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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

SIBO can be extremely difficult to knock out. It takes patience and stamina, the right plan, the right treatment and retesting at specific time intervals. Though the work can be quit intensive, it is incredibly rewarding.

I can’t tell you how much I LOVE my job. I hesitate to even call it a job sometimes… every week I hear that I have helped change someone’s life and it feels amazing. As much as they get out of it, it doubles for me. I had to share this review with you. THANK YOU STEPHANIE, for writing this very thoughtful and warm review.

"You can cure SIBO, great post on SIBO Guru"

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from 12 people

Angela Pifer

Hi Tricia,

I am sorry to hear about your loss and your continued state of health. I always feel that there is plenty to do to stabilize, lower symptoms and help make things more manageable AND figure out a treatment plan that works. To answer your question, I would focus on the symptom that you want to address most and figure out how to address this. Perhaps taking smaller steps to figure this out. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you find a practitioner to work with and that this makes a difference in your life. I am happy to work with you.


Angela Pifer


I believe for some of us there is no hope left. Lost my 33 year old husband from health took a dive. I've had 6 surgeries.. now I have crohns disease..SIBO.. thrush..severe gastritis.. leaky gut..pretty sure ulcers have me..etc etc.. been treated for sibo twice.. I know I still have it..have to do another breath test the end of the month and a h.pylori test. Life is horrible
..Any kind of food kills me.. so with multiple conditions what do you do..


Angela Pifer

Hi Danielle,

It sounds like the underlying issue wasn't addressed. You may very well need a stronger prokinetic, especially in light of hypothyroid (which slows gastric motility). Stress will also do this - as well as signaling inflammation in the gut which doesn't help keep the balance with the system. You will need to go back through treatment and, working with your provider, try to figure out what else is contributing to this. I know that this can be extremely frustrating. If you were not going through this (and the radiation treatment) you wouldn't be so stressed! Figuring out how to manage this better (sleep, movement, yoga, meditation, breath work...) is as important as a prokinetic, or treating SIBO. It will really help in the long run.


Angela Pifer


Hi Angela. I had SIBO bank in July and I retested early August and my numbers went down and it was considered a negative test. I am a hydrogen producer but at 90 minutes never beyond 36. The entire 120 minute test typically doesn't exceed 56. Anyway I retested again yesterday and it's positive again. I taking HCL, digestive enzymes, many vitamins, DGL, zinc varnishing, OPC-3 (histamine), GutPro probiotics, lactoPrime and Sovereign Colostrum. Anyway, I have food allergies that have been improving with all that I am doing, but I still have mood disorders and depression at times. I'm also radiation induced hypothyroid. I loss a lot of weight throughout all of this but it is stabilizing with the current protocol. Im at a loss as to why the SIBO is back. Is it because of not doing a prokinetic (or at least a strong one---I did Iberogast, but only at night). I really would like to get rid of this and the leaky gut for good!! I think chronic stress brought this on and going extremely hypo after radiation brought this on.


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