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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

About Angela Pifer | SIBO Guru

Angela Pifer – Functional Medicine Nutritionist, MS, LCN, CN, FMN

Angela is one of the nation’s foremost functional medicine nutrition and health experts, and an accomplished speaker and radio personality. Her 25 years in the health and fitness industry and the past 19 years as a Functional Medicine Nutritionist focusing in the areas of digestive health, functional gut disorders, thyroid, autoimmune and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), have earned Angela, recognition as the go-to gut expert who can show even the most health challenged, how to restore their gut health and vitality.

Although she doesn’t look it, she is 52 years old! She knows how to heal the gut, and keep both healthy, energetic and glowing.

She is a GI Health Researcher, Functional Medicine Educator, Licensed Certified Nutritionist and focuses all her continued education on GI conditions.

Angela sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of Physician’s Choice, who sells the number one ordered probiotic on Amazon. 

Affectionately known to her patients as ‘SIBO Guru,’ within her private practice SIBO Guru she applies functional medicine and integrative functional nutrition into an evidence based approach along with clinical know-how to create an individualized approach for each patient.

Angela’s practice is focused on finding the root cause of her patient’s symptoms. She also educates people on the myths that surround SIBO.

In 2016 Angela founded Simply SIBO to help the functional gut community.

Simply SIBO – a gut prescription subscription recipe site, which helps people with functional gut disorders expand their diet! Create meal plans that nourish, stabilize and calm symptoms. Angela is on a mission to prevent SIBO sufferers from unnecessarily going on a restrictive diet and to help those who have been stuck on a restrictive diet for too long, expand their diet.

Angela earned a BS in psychology and an MS in Nutrition Science from Bastyr University, where she has also taught clinical practice and business development and still mentors nutrition and dietetic students. She is a licensed health care provider with the State of Washington, Certified in Functional Medicine and a Level Two Heart Zones Trainer. Angela has advanced training, completing over 3500 continuing education credits focused in the areas of functional medicine, detoxification, parasites and pathogens, SIBO, brain health, digestion and immune/ inflammation.

Beyond Angela’s 19 years in practice and expertise with SIBO, research is her passion. Here are the conferences that she attended  in 2023:

  • Environmental Health Symposium – Environmental Impact on Long COVID
  • Eco-Cellcore – Functional Medicine and Carbon Technology
  • Cogence Immunology – 12 month advanced certification
  • Kharrazian Institute of Functional Neurology – Gut Health Course Certification
  • Kharrazian Institute of Functional Neurology – Food Sensitivities – Solving the Puzzle
  • Microbiome Keynote Conference
  • Gut Mircobiome
  • Digestive Disease Week
  • GastroANP

And 2024:

  • Eco-Cellcore – Functional Medicine and Carbon Technology
  • Cogence Immunology – 12 month advanced certification
  • Kharrazian Institute of Functional Neurology – Functional Medicine
  • Kharrazian Institute of Functional Neurology – Inflammation and Chronic Disease
  • Microbiome Keynote Conference
  • AIC Institute of Functional Medicine
  • Digestive Disease Week

She is also a featured speaker in the SIBO SOS summit, Digestion SOS Docuseries and the Gall Bladder and Liver Summit and the only speaker who’s spoken at all 5 summits.