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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

Praise for SIBO Guru

from 196 people

Attentive and brilliant

I just started working with Angela, she is brilliant with attentive warmth. She is a researcher into your personal story, and a field guide with a very kind heart. I am convinced of this, that though I feel overwhelmed in this moment on my own beginning journey working with her, that she knows how to navigate these seas with intentional testing and treatment. This is the comfort on the journey for the traveler who has tried everything. She is exceptional. My highest recommendations



A very caring person

Angela is kind and works hard to get to the root of your issues She had been very helpful to me and she is also very knowledgeable I still have some more healing and I’m confident that she will be there for me all the way Thank you Angela!


Patricia Southan

Everything is based on Science!

Angela takes in all the information, from every angle, and then helps to start to decipher the root cause. From that foundation she provides a supportive plan to tackle each area of complaint. I confidently know that any guidance she is giving me has been thoroughly analyzed by her and is based on science and healing. She is not about short cuts but truly invested in health, longevity and how you feel, which should be good! Angela is also a keen listener and a supportive anchor. Highly recommend


Melissa O

Angela Diagnosed my Mold Toxicity after seeing 10 of LA’s Best Doctors

After 3 years of suffering, Angela was able to get to the root of my digestive and gut issues by inquiring into a past toxic mold exposure that I had in my home. After following Angela’s guidance and testing, we found that my body and cells were suffering from mycotoxin overload. I had gone to 10 of LA’s best doctors, all of who overlooked and didn’t even ask me about mold exposure, so I spent thousands of dollars and endless amounts of time to not avail. I absolutely love working with Angela.


Heather Catania

Angela is One of a Kind!

After seeking help for SIBO from numerous MD's over a several year period I found Angela. We've been working together for about 3 months now. She is incredibly attentive and a true professional. She takes her time and thoroughly evaluates my health issues and she does not want to put a bandaid on them but rather get to the root cause and resolve them once and for all. After each session she provides detailed notes on next steps for me to follow. I wish I had found her years ago. She's a gem!


Julie P

I am so grateful to have found Angela. I am a holistic health counselor, and have been using Spectra 303-T for thryoid balance. It works great with no side effects. But it is hard to find. Thank you Angela for carrying this very beneficial product!


Lin Hourihan

Expert help!

Angela tuned me up 2 years ago and i have been doing great. Talked to her a few days ago after having a bug that affected my gut. She was thorough in her evaluation and came up with another game plan to get my gut back in sync. I love the immediate notes she sends after each session and her great follow up. Angela is truly a gut guru and i am so thankful to have her expert guidance to keep me feeling good.


Judy P.

Encouragement with Zest

I anticipated 'meeting' Angela with hopes for a communicative connection----and I am not disappointed; in fact, I feel most appreciative. She listened well and heard my 'story' which is a complicated one of kyphoplasty surgeries for each of my 7 compressed spinal vertebrae. The attenuating issues after those being successfully treated has left me a year later with digestive issues. I am grateful for such a positive and meticulous interaction


Jeanne Macdonald

Angela is so knowledgeable and caring

Every time I have spoken to Angela she is engaged and caring. She really wants to get to the root cause of your health concerns. She is warm and really listens to you too. She has been wonderful to work with



I finally have hope

I could not find anyone who could give me any answers & was feeling hopeless about my situation after seeing multiple physician & having multiple tests. Since I have been working with Angela my symptoms have ameliorated so much so that I’m able to function in the workplace again. She truly takes the time to listen & she explains her assessments and treatment plans very clearly. She is very thorough & responsive. Thank you Angela!!!



Attentive and Knowledgeable

I have been working with Angela for the past few weeks and in that time she has proven to be extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and is working hard to help me address immediate issues. I have faith that with Angela's guidance I will heal!


Casandra S

She’s the REAL DEAL

I can’t say enough about Angela, and just how amazing she is. Her scope of knowledge is far reaching - well beyond SIBO and nutrition. Her skills rival any Functional Medicine doctor I’ve ever seen. She also demonstrats a level of commitment that I’d not previously experienced. From her extensive review of your history, to working with other practitioners, to being your advocate...the list goes on. Working with Angela will be one of the best decisions you’ll make towards improved health.


GenBook Review

Worth Every Penny

I've now been working with Angela for around 4 months, and her guidence has been nothing short of invalueable. My digestive issues have created some debilitating body-wide "auto-immune" conditions (e.g. chronic soft-muscle pain), and through her not only am I able to get through each day, but I'm also making considerable progress with both digestive & body-wide symptoms. I personally view Angela as more than just a SIBO expert, she's also extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the human body on the whole. I would strongly urge anyone who's come this far in their journey to take the plunge and try Angela asap. She cuts through all the crap you read on the internet, and gets you doing the things you need to get better. Wish I'd have found her sooner!


Dan Faulkner

Best investment I’ve made!!!

Long story short, I have suffered with gut symptoms like constipation, chronic itching all over my body, severe bloating after everything I ate, and many food sensitivities for about 15 years. Angela got to the root cause of all my issues!! She not only discovered a rare autoimmune issue but unveiled specific deficiencies in my gut to treat. Having relief of my previous symptoms after all these years has felt short of miraculous. She has been like an angel from above! So grateful to Angela!!!


GenBook Review

I have been going through hell the past 2 years seeing every gut doctor and given every diagnosis I knew wasn't true. I finally gave in to an appointment with Angela expecting to be disappointed as I was with every other doctor, but she was the one who looked at my whole body and told me what was really wrong. She then suggested getting a specific test done that no doc had ever mentioned before and it came back positive. I finally had an answer. She really is the GUT GURU. We have a lot of work to do but I already feel so relieved knowing I have an answer and a doc who cares.




I was diagnosed with SIBO two years ago by A Gastroenterologist. However, I was offered minimal solutions other than learn to live with it. I found Angela’s website while doing research. I began working with her and have improved significantly. She is extremely knowledgeable and has me feeling better than I felt in years and on the road to recovery.


Shawn P

Incredibly helpful

I am so grateful to have been able to work with Angela, she has been insightful, kind, supportive and very helpful which has allowed me to understand how to take care my health, given my condition, in the best possible way. I felt at a loss before working with her, now I feel empowered.


Zena W

Incredibly Detailed. A different class.

I've only been working with Angela for a few weeks, but have to say that she is nothing short of outstanding. Not only is she incredibly knowledgable, but she looks at every problem from every angle and applies a wonderful "rebalancing" approach to health. With my condition I don't think I can be "cured", but I think that I can be rebalanced so that my body becomes my own again, and Angela has done more in a few weeks to start those wheels in motion than numerous other "professionals" have.


Dan Faulker

Expert Nutritionist

Angela is an expert nutritionist, superb listener, professional and extremely detail oriented. She taught me the power of journaling to detect causes of inflammation in my diet and adjusted her recommendations accordingly. I am on the east coast now and sought out her expertise again to tune my diet and coordinate with my doctors. I highly recommend Angela.


Mary S

Healing my gut

Prior to meeting with Angela I could not eat without always feeling uncomfortable. Bloating and diarrhea were unavoidable. I am very grateful to have been Introduced to Angela. Immediately after talking with Angela she impressed me with her depth of knowledge in first figuring out what my issues are and then coming up with a plan to help me feel better. I thought this is going to be a lot of extra work. Angela provided the information and I found it easy to incorporate. Immediate results.


Robert K

Slowly clearing SIBO - Never give up!

I want to share about working with Angela Pifer for over 2 years now. Angela has been wonderful to work with. Not only is she a good listener; she asks very good questions and does not rest until she understands just where you are at in your symptoms & your labs. She really is a health detective! I highly recommend her. My SIBO story is that I am finally feeling better after 3 years of very bad health & I am thankful I found her. She pointed out to me info. on adhesions. That was the key!


Shelley Kemp

Great SIBO Expert

Angela is so knowledable and is on top of my specific needs. She is dependable, always follows through, reviews the plan, sends an email with updated plan, available, responds quickly to questions, She is a good teacher and an excellent encourager. I am thankful to have Angela’s help.


Judy P


While my journey isn’t over, Angela has provided me with MOUNDS of education on what’s going on in my body, identified key areas of dysfunction we have addressed, and provided me with significant relief and improvement from when we started together 6 months ago. I am so thankful I found Angela and that I’ve had this opportunity to work with her! I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance for whole-body health.



I have been patiently waiting for some time to leave my praise for Angela and to offer hope to those looking to hear that it is possible to beat sibo for good. It has now been a year and four months since Angela got me to a negative breath test and I just retested and can confirm I am still negative. Yahoo! Angela figured out within our first few calls exactly why sibo happened in to me in the first place and not only worked to get rid of SIBO but also pulled out all the stops to address the underlying health issue that was causing sibo and many other symptoms. I can honestly say that hiring Angela was the best thing I did for my health, bar none, and I went to so many places before her without success. I wish I had found her earlier. Thank you Angela!



Angela helped me heal

Angela is so knowledgeable about the gut. She knew how to use my symptoms and responses to food as a guide and she taught me how to eat according to what my body needs and how to avoid what my body was reacting to. I feel SO much better now. And then she knew what supplements I needed to take in order to complete my healing. I was sick all the time and now I feel well, all the time.



Grateful for Angela's assistance with SIBO

I found Angela by listening to a gut health podcast. I can't even remember who was interviewing her but I was struck by her "think outside the box" approach to things and her willingness to be a detective and look at everything. I have been working with her for almost a year. She assisted me in identifying that I had H Pylori as well as SIBO and when I cleared SIBO the first time, we implemented her gut healing measures to get my digestion to a better level. I recommend her!


Shelley K


Angela is fantastic to work with is so unbelievably knowledgeable about the many illnesses that fall outside the box of conventional medicine. She truly cares about the well being of her patients and shared my passion of wanting to drill down to the real root cause of the issue - which no other practitioner was willing to do. She completely pinpointed what was causing my issues and I have full faith that her treatment plan will restore my health in the months to come. I highly recommend her!


Lauren S

An Experts Help

I have celiac disease and also SIBO. As a nurse, I have tried to manage and figure out some of my care. This really has been hit and miss and I came to the realization..GET SOME HELP FROM AN EXPERT. A Podcast on SIBO led me to Angela. I have had 2 meetings with Angela and I can tell I am in an experts hands. I appreciate how she explains everything...making sure I understand. Angela is thorough and she consistently follows through.


Judy P

Angela is very knowledgeable and on point with her treatment plans. I started using her services because I wanted someone who is well versed in this field... she is definitely a great healthcare provider... Most importantly, she listens to you...



Couldn't sing higher praises!

Angela is extremely patient, understanding, knowledgeable, and validating. I sought her out to treat SIBO that was only getting worse despite conventional treatment. We still have a ways to go, but after only a few weeks, I'm feeling the best I've felt in a year. Angela acknowledged the SIBO, but looked at all my symptoms to find other root causes. Still going strong, but from what I've experienced, I have complete confidence in our plan. I finally have hope again that I may heal one day :)



Very Sharp and Intelligent and Supporting Practitioner

I have been working with her for 3 months now for SIBO and she s really good and knows what she's doing. I was impressed by her in depth approach and structured thinking. I am feeling much better. I am confident that in sometime I will be finally able to get rid of SIBO , Multiple Food Allergies. I am really glad I found Angela.



Hi Angela - I just wanted you to know how much your broth's have meant to me. I bought 6 the first time after a long battle with cdiff, sibo and candida. I drank throughout the day. It was the first time in months that my stomach was quiet as I went to sleep. I ordered 12 more packs and truly believe it has been my biggest healer in my journey toward healing. More than any supplement, medication, food. I'm still struggling with candida, sibo but I deeply feel my leaky gut has healed because I am able to tolerate so many more foods and have no pain at all when I eat. I just wanted to thank you. I will continue ordering and drinking your broth as I work toward healing from sibo/candida. I think it is my biggest tool. I would love to work with you whenever you open up again to new patients. Thank you so much.



Thankful for Angela's Expertise - Life Changing

Word's cannot express my gratitude for Angela. Her knowledge is unbelievable and her services have been well worth the cost. Since my mid 20's I have had a dx of IBS. I developed hypothyroidism, suffered w/ joint pain, heartburn, constipation, low vitamin D & B and depression. I was on numerous medications yet continued to feel worse. After being diagnosed with food allergies, fructose intolerance, and SIBO I found Angela through an on-line search and now an feeling best in I have felt in years.


Shawn P.

After many years of researching on my own, self-treating and working with other practioners, I can finally say that I feel better, thanks to Angela. Her deep knowledge and experience saved me untold confusion, frustration and damage from an incorrect SIBO diagnosis. And then her sound judgement and systematic approach put me on a path to understanding and healing my true underlying problems.

Angela's comprehensive approach has helped me accomplish more than I ever did figuring it out on my own for years. I look forward to the day when all medicine works like this!


Chris M

I have SIBO, IBS-C and pelvic floor dysfunction and have been living in gastrointestinal hell for ten years. I've been to the Mayo Clinic and top NYC gastroenterologists to no avail. Angela is the only person who has made a substantial improvement to my quality of life. In the year leading up to my wedding, I was terrified that a SIBO flare-up would ruin my big day, and, thanks to Angie, it didn't. She was an absolute Godsend.

Through all my experiences - and all the thousands of dollars spent - trying to understand why I have this horrible, recurring condition, and how best to live with it, Angela has been the only person who has really evaluated me holistically. She is a one-woman team, trained to analyze a patient from every angle rather than in a vacuum. My experiences with doctors were frustrating - I would spend months waiting for an appointment with a world-renown expert only to get 7 minutes of her time and another xifaxin prescription, without any nutritional advice whatsoever. Even if I got a nutritionist referral - and I did see a nutritionist at Cornell for awhile - all the nutritionists would do is put me on a low FODMAP diet. I have read the Patsy Casos book and done the elimination diet and most certainly did not need a nutritionist to tell me how to do that.

Angela is NOT this type of nutritionist. She is extremely well-studied and may as well be a full-on M.D. She is as smart as any doctor I've met throughout this process, and actually takes the time - sometimes on long calls or through long emails - to LISTEN to your entire story and get the full picture of you as a patient. She listened to my symptoms and read my journals (and boy were those journals detailed) and then told me what labs/bloodwork to order and which tests to have done. She was then able to accurately analyze the results - so much so that my gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist both independently complimented her work to me. Through Angela, I was able to learn that I have low T3 (a thyroid hormone) - which I have never known before - and get on the appropriate supplements for adrenal fatigue.

One note on the supplements: Angela does not private label her supplements so that she can upcharge like some other nutritionists (e.g. Kimberly Snyder of the Beauty Detox Diet) do. She tells you the exact name and brand, and you are free to order them on Amazon or anywhere else you can find them - in no way are you trapped into buying anything from her (although most often her website is legitimately the cheapest source). She has worked hard to reduce the number of pills I have to take in any given day.

Angela has also always made herself available to me in an emergency. I went on a food tour (like an idiot) in Montreal a few months ago and came back having a massive SIBO flare-up just a month and a half before I would have to fit into my wedding dress. Angela and I had already stopped working together through a formal program, but she made herself available and put me on an elemental diet for one meal a day, which really helped to get me back on track.

Working with Angela is definitely expensive, but I can honestly say that for me it's been worth every penny. If you have SIBO and you have the means to work with Angela, I can't recommend it highly enough, particularly if you've been spinning your wheels trying to eradicate this stupid condition without long-term success.


Lauren S.

I suffered for three years before seeing Angela. I was referred to her by my doctor, who was really at his professional wits- end. I was a little apprehensive about the price, just being honest, but I was blown away by the assessment, plan and ongoing support. It has been over a year and SIBO hasn’t come back. I feel like my old self again. Be prepared that this will take time and the long haul is worth it! My favorite part is that I don’t have to hyper focus on my food anymore. I finally have my life back (she helped my colleague too)!


Cynthia F

Can’t say enough about Angela Pifer, aka SIBO Guru. I can honestly say that she saved my life through her comprehensive approach to treating SIBO. Prior to seeing her I saw numerous top physicians in my area and their focus was to focus on the symptoms. A few tried to convince me that I was overreacting to my own symptoms!

She was the only practitioner who really listened to my problems (didn’t think I was crazy) and came up with an approach to resolving this! She didn’t want to mask my symptoms, she was very clear that was going to get at the underlying issue. Long story short, her plan worked. I wish I had seen her sooner!!!


Dorothy Dalin

If you have SIBO you HAVE TO WORK WITH ANGELA. She looked at my case from a fresh angle, figuring out that I have mycotoxin issue that was getting in the way of my SIBO treatment. I near lost my job and relationship over this illness. I was stuck, and really sick and tired about being sick and tired and now I am just over it, literally. She is extremely knowledgeable and explains everything in great detail so I got it. Her approach, regardless of why you have SIBO, will get you back to feeling better and healthier. I give her a Michelin star rating!


Bree Ray

My deepest gratitude to Angela and the immense amount of time that she put in helping me figure this out!! I worked with Angela for most of 2015 to help with SIBO that had literally plagued me from week to week. When we met, my doctor had me taking Rifaximin ongoing. Over the previous year, I had been on at least six rounds of various antibiotics. SIBO always came back and often with a vengeance. I had lost weight, had severe gastritis (that was only getting worse and worse), and nothing that I did seemed to make a difference. I really trust my doctor. I also didn’t want take antibiotics forever and felt that we’d come to the end of the line with treatment options. I don’t think that SIBO is every going to be fixed by a pill. There is more to this debilitating condition. I saw Angela’s name discussed in the SIBO FB chatroom and thought ‘what have I got to lose.’ Well, here I am with a negative breath test, gastritis fixed, I am less reactive to everything, I gained back twenty pounds, I’m sleeping at night again. Angela has had a profound effect on my life. It felt like a partnership. She has a great way about her, being professional, empathetic, and was in the trenches with me keeping me focused and on task. She monitored my progress closely and was quick to adjust the treatment as needed. Even though I had SIBO for two years, I forgot how good it feels to simply feel well.


Kim Landen

Can I just say, WOW? I live in a remote part of the U.S. and have tried to stretch the knowledge of every practitioner that I have seen here and it just came to a point where they didn't know what else to do for me. I have an arsenal of supplements at home (if you have SIBO, you know what I am talking about). After being active on SIBO chat rooms for over two years and reading everything that I could get my hands on (and trying everything!) I finally was able to get in to see Angela. I was a patient for six months and I FINALLY BEAT METHANE SIBO!!! I am having a bowel movement on my own every day. I am eating again, living again, breathing again. Angela caught the fact that I had a subclinical thyroid issue that was contributing to my sluggish gut motility. Once we addressed this then the SIBO treatment finally stuck. I am thrilled beyond measure. I know that she is expensive and it is worth it. She gave me more support than she lists out in her programs and really felt vested in my health. I have tears in my eyes as I am typing all this. GO ANGELA aka, my SIBO GURU!


Nora D

I became a client of Angela’s a couple years ago after my immune system attacked my gut and I couldn’t eat anything without being in pain. She helped me through the healing process by investigating my gut flora, restoring my B12/energy, and slowly introducing the right foods. She was very flexible and we had our appointments over Skype. It has been a difficult couple years but I am significantly better today and manage minor SIBO through the GAPS diet, which continues to expand for me. Although I am no longer a client, I’ve continued to order my probiotic and vitamins from her. Very thankful for her expertise and encouragement during a challenging time!



I was referred to Angela by my primary care physician after over a year of unexplained weight gain. No amount of dieting or exercise was helping and the doctor's only response was that I was turning 40 and "that's what happens." I didn't buy it.

I enrolled in her 3 month program and the results were amazing! Angela has extensive knowledge of how the body works and how different combinations of foods, lifestyle,... medications, and sleep patterns affect your health. My program was tailored specifically to me with help and support from Angela the whole time. I'm not saying it was easy! She definitely holds you accountable by checking your journals a couple times a week and follow up phone calls at least once a week. Besides changing how and what I ate, I had to make some lifestyle changes to improve on sleep, the way I exercised, and decrease stress levels whenever possible. Being self employed this is really difficult but being made aware of these things helped me make some changes, even if they were just small ones. She is there to coach you and guide you but in the end, the work is all on you!

She did recommend several supplements but all were to support my own program. I looked around online to see if I could get the supplements elsewhere and turns out her charges were all a buck or two cheaper. She also gave me receipts to turn in to my insurance company but even though my policy states that nutritional counseling is covered, I could not get them to cover any of her costs. Shame on the insurance companies but no blame to Angela. She made me aware right away that she didn't charge insurance companies and that them denying coverage to me may be a possibility.

After seeing my progress, several friends and colleagues have also worked with Angela and all were pleased with their own results. She is always there for questions, support and follow up care and even has a website with lots of exercise and food ideas and more.

I highly recommend her. (and do quite often!)


Katie M.

I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, Aplastic Anemia five years ago and given three to six months to live. I found that TCM would be helpful. However, after years of getting TCM herbs, and getting better, I still had stomach pain on a regular basis, and felt there was still an issue I had not uncovered. I met Angela through the myriad of research I continue to do. I had looked at FODMAP before and could not make it work for me. The first time we spoke, she explained some things that clarified what was possibly going on, and when I tried them, I felt better and knew I had a good coach who could lead me and who would listen to me. I focus on results...and results that happen rather quickly...within days.

My "blood" disorder was more of a malabsorption issue, and I needed to get clear on what the fine points of understanding food were for my body. Alleviating gluten and sugar (which TCM doc said weren't a problem!) (Oh, trust me, they were!) were just the beginning five years ago, but there were other things that were helpful, and some things to be avoided, that I was unaware of. (I knew I couldn't try raw food...I would NEVER be out of the bathroom!) Angela was very patient with me (I have tried soooo many things, and so I have an abundance of knowledge, it is hard to help me move further) and we discussed and decided on courses of action and I went forward with her. Because of this, the pain ceased, and I have lost about 10 lbs (I was at least 20 lbs overweight) and my blood numbers have stayed consistently normal when before it was an up and down thing.

Since I have tried so much, I was thrilled when she gave me a plan, gave me ideas of food to work with, kept me on my food journal, and we could discuss what had happened and why. It was eye opening! I had no idea about fats and how much they impacted me, and benefited me! I have learned so much from her on how to monitor my progress and how to be consistent and not anxious about my eating, my blood numbers and my health. This is a very painful and lonely road to travel by oneself because often there are repercussions (diahrrea five times a day or constipation, fatigue, inflammation etc.) for eating certain things, and one doesn't know why.

So having a coach who "gets it" and can explain how things happen (in MY body) is crucial for success. Even if I complain and whine and occasionally fall off "the wagon" (yes, I threw the rest of those potato chips away). I don't buy much in the way of supplements, and not much has been suggested to me to buy from Angela. But the ones I do buy have been life savers.

Again, I have worked with other coaches, and have not gotten the clarity, and the results that I have gotten with Angela. This is a very individual course. Each body is TOTALLY different and has to be looked at by the coach, yes, but by the individual too. It takes a lot of responsibility to stay on the path and note what works and what doesn't when you have had years and years of mistreating the body. In my case, it is life and death. I can't afford to play around...ALL of this is MY responsibility first, no one elses. I don't continue to pay for something that is not working and then complain that someone else is the problem. Angela has been nothing but a huge HUGE help to me and my ability to digest food, and no, I don't like it that I cannot eat certain things, or do consistent exercize, or keep getting water into this body...but all of those are a small price to pay for staying on this planet after 64 years. Thanks to Angela, my body is not a mystery, and I feel it is truly a gift to have her walk this path with me.


Chris C

I have had an amazing experience with Angela and, more important, I am seeing improvement in my symptoms! Angela is extremely knowledgeable and she looks at each client as an individual. I didn't feel like she was just applying another cookie-cutter application to my problems. She took the time to know me and my individual problems.... SIBO, candida, brain fog, fatigue, etc. Angela then applied a thoughtful and comprehensive plan to target things, both with diet and supplementation. She takes a wholistic approached towards things and doesn't try to treat symptoms in a vacuum. I like that about her.... thoughtful approach, knowing that everyone is different. At the same time though, it is obvious she knows her stuff. She knows what supplements, diet, medication, or approach will target a specific problem most of the time, for most of the people. My favorite thing about Angela is that she constantly follows up and researches things behind the scenes to your benefit. I feel Angela is genuinely devoted to helping me get better.

Treatment from Angela, at face-value, can seem expensive. However, medically based treatment of any kind now-a-days is just that... expensive. Supplements can also cost a considerable amount of money.... most anywhere. I think what we all want is 'our money's worth'. We don't want to feel like we got gipped and most of us aren't really expecting to get the deal of the century, that's just not reality. Bottom line is that Angela has been in my corner fighting for me and what I have paid has been absolutely worth it. It is hard to put a price on our health... I know, a cliché. But when you feel the benefits outweigh the cost you feel great!!

Those with SIBO or other gut problems need to be educated as to exactly what is going on with their bodies. I know folks who spend thousands on education and are left wondering how to apply what they have learned. So in addition to obtaining treatment for my health problems, I have been educated along the way so that I can start to be my own advocate for health... priceless.


Ray B

In thanks for ALL YOU DO, Angela….at Halloween you will be getting a small parcel with a fresh organic hand picked tea from Sri Lanka from me, so please do not be weary of opening it.
Who am I? A devoted SIBO GURU GROUPY with my husband who found you, because I can not be upright for long, I've been suffering in isolation for 3 years and have learned so much from you. There are no doctors here in Hawaii that understand the microbiome and I cannot fly anywhere due to the horrible rectal/sigmoid neuropathy pain, which I suspect is from pathogens. I have to be inverted as much as possible, and I have a wonderful husband who has done most of the research. We previously owned and operated an executive/IT/strategy management consultancy serving Fortune 50 and European leaders, so we are accustomed to seeking the world's best practices, hence finding you.

FYI: The GENOVA and DOCTOR's DATA GI tests I took twice last year, are not very accurate when it comes to Candida, Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifido, the latter two which often showed NO GROWTH, so as per a prominent mainland doctor, I took LOTS of it, which was a big mistake. Because this year when taking the ORGANIX URINE test I had very HIGH D-Lactate (possibly from D-Lactate producing flora like L. Acid and Bifido....and HIGH Candida, which was not high on my four GI tests last year. So now I take NO lactate forming probiotics, using Megasporebiotic and Prescript Assist.
I predominately use Dr. Gate's Ecology diet which is good.

My horrible chronic insomnia is getting a little better this fall after re-starting the Dr. Omar Amin Protocol, which the sigmoid/rectal could not tolerate last year, so I'm hopeful I may survive this. If I do, it would be ground breaking not just for me, but for MANY women who are misdiagnosed with pudendal nerve issues or levator ani syndrome, like I was, and so many men doctors do horrible worse things to try to fix you…..if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail! I hypothesize that candida and/or pathogens have damaged the parasympathetic neurons of the submucosa plexus sheath and/or the myenteric plexus.

We said we'd never write another book again, but may, to help save many women who are frightened and suffering in isolation.
SO grateful for your generosity and supportive web site. Your books, discoveries, insightful articles and wisdom have begun to bring awareness and hope, during I time when I almost died, due to the pain being so great, that new sensory neuropathies began. We are Beyond grateful for your Outreach to the world community helping so many others in isolation and pain.

Mahalo Nui,
audrey and rudy decker-boznak


Audrey and Rudy

Angela has been a lifesaver for me. I have SIBO as-well-as other issues that required surgery. She is professional and very knowledgeable. She walked me through my surgery and has been here for me on the other side. She was in contact with my Drs. office and was genuinely concerned that I got the best treatment there. I'm not just talking platitudes here. I mean it. No, I'm not affiliated with her in any way. I was in a SIBO support group on FB. Everyone was taking Riflaxin and relapsing. She wrote in and advised an alternative natural route that resonated with me. I have been trying to find an alternative to antibiotics for quite awhile and am a believer in Naturalpathic Healing.

I have been trying to cure my ills outside of Western Meds for years. I do believe Western Med is invaluable in so many instances but kept hearing from people who were on Antibiotics over and over and not healing their symptoms. When I read her posts, they got my attention. I felt like she was truly trying to help people. I followed her posts and found her website. Though it's a financial stretch for me, I have spent much more $$ by trying to solve my issues by scattershot internet searching and a closet full of supplements. I needed a practitioner who could walk me through this process step by step. Angela is that person. From the very first Skype meeting, I established a personal connection with her and she has definitely earned every penny through her ongoing, compassionate communication. I'm sorry some others have had poor results. I've actually felt a little guilty that I was taking up too much of her time by emails (that she always promptly returned). I'm sure I would be spending far more by going to appointments at a local Nutritionist plus all the supplements.

I would have no guarantee that they could give me better care than I've received through Angela. For me, she is more than a nice person with a professional demeanor, her knowledge is in depth, well studied and easy to apply. The supps she advises are succinct, extremely helpful and well within the price range of reasonable. She has worked out a payment plan with me and I have opted to continue working with her twice because she is truly helping me heal. I would continue with any Dr. if they were helping me and she is that invaluable. This is a long review and we must go with our guts when it comes to reviews. I'm not trying to sell anything here. I'm just sharing my experience to perhaps offer an alternative to some poor reviews that might dissuade some people struggling with SIBO, who may be in real need. I have already recommended her to others. I have recommended her to my SIBO pals. If you, like me, are feeling lost in the never-seem -to-go-away symptoms of SIBO, and have tried the Pimmental/Siebecker, SCD, Paleo route etc.. then you might be encouraged by this review. I hope this is as helpful to others as working with Angela has been helpful to me. My best in Healing to all.


Suzanne S.

I was referred to Angela by two different practitioners. After reading the reviews here I reached out to schedule an appointment. Three years ago my gut health took a turn for the worse. I was diagnosed with SIBO a year ago, but I know that this started three years ago, it just wasn’t diagnosed at that time. This seemed to come out of nowhere. I never needed to watch anything that I ate. I was in good shape, ate decent, ate anything that I really wanted to and never had to give it a second thought. That completely changed on a dime. I had debilitating gut pain, back pain, shoulder pain, reflux, and bloating. It didn’t seem to matter what I ate. I lost too much weight, my skin and hair didn’t look good, I was taking too many sick days at work. I did try one round of antibiotics with my doctor during the second year. It only seemed to make things worse. I kept seeking out other doctors, but no one could really help me figure this out. They wanted to push more antibiotics on me and that didn’t make sense to me, since the initial round made things worse. I worked with Angela for six months. Within in the first two weeks she was able to help me address at least 80% of my symptoms. This was HUGE. I almost felt normal. I had more energy, made it to work every day, I was even sleeping better. From there we worked through a plan to treat the SIBO and confirmed this with a new breath test. Then we worked on gut healing and started to reintroduce and test out foods to see where I could start to add foods back in. I was feeling so much better at this point, that I really didn’t want to add anything new back in. But I understand why we needed to do this. I am 6 months out now and on a lightly modified plan. I know what I need to look for in terms of symptoms popping up again, but right here, right now, I feel like I have truly kicked this. Angela is truly a gifted and caring practitioner. She gave me my life back!!!


Jolene K.

When I was finally able to get in to see her, Angela was worth the wait. Angela is a GENIUS! I have seen multiple practitioners in the past and their advice always missed the mark. I wasn’t getting any better. They NEVER address diet, or they offered something that was so generic it simply didn’t help. I am now SIBO free after a year and a half. THANK YOU ANGELA!



I was sick and TIRED of being sick and tired. I heard about Angela on the SIBO FB forum and followed her for a while. I had already spent so much money working with other practitioners that I was really wary of trying to work with someone else. What spoke to me most about her was the way that she answered the questions posted on her the forums (her blog and FB), where she met each person where they were at. I finally decided to work with her and I am so glad that I did. It took us 9 months to work through the entire protocol, to work through rounds of treatment and retest and finally get a negative breath test to then work on gut healing. What other practitioners don’t tell you is that with each round of treatment you will only see a 20-30 ppm reduction in gases. My initial SIBO breath test showed that I had 175 ppm methane production! I had tried rounds of antibiotics, but the doctors never retested to see where I was at. I had one doctor even recommend that I take antibiotics for life! Really?? I HIGHLY recommend Angela.


Erin H.

I am beyond impressed with the level of support that Angela offers her patients AND how she explains every little detail so I grasped what was happening and how we were going to fix it together. She has helped me work through every symptom, concern, issue and created a plan (a plan!!) that has helped me get my health back. I had almost given up hope (okay, not really because I spent countless hours every night reading, listening and searching online, until I found her). I have been batting SIBO for the past three years. With each round of antibiotic, my stomach continued to get worse and worse. I lost 15 pounds, had a hard time leaving the house (I know, you know what I am talking about). I have been working with Angela for the past four months and I feel like I finally have my life back. I see color in my skin, I am no longer skin and bones, I simply feel better. We are starting to reintroduce foods now and it is going well. Foods that I never thought I would eat again. SIBO Friends (okay, borrowing that from an earlier praise post) you have to work with Angela.


Gretta C.

SIBO friends- Angela not only help drastically reduce the mass exodus of D I was experiencing for five years straight -through dietary changes she suspected I had SIBO and worked with me and my ND to get the proper testing, treatment and diet. She is a wealth of information and truly helped turn my life around!


Kristy B

I felt like crap for the past three years. It was hard to believe that my health could take a turn like this. I have had really great health up to the point that I got SIBO. I came across Angela's video on SIBO and probiotics and it really made sense to me. I worked with her for five months and I feel 95% back to my old self, which is really saying something about the work that Angela does. She had an answer and plan for everything, and worked with me week after week to pull me back from the brink. I am eternally grateful.


Kathyn B.

Angela is the best. She is patient and loving, kind when I struggled to make the needed changes. When I walked into her office I had felt defeated and depressed, I had been on so many diets, spent so much money on any product that could possibly help me, been to so many medical providers. Her words were healing and she gave me hope when I had none. She is supportive and dedicated to helping you. She explains everything in a way you understand. She was unlike any provider or nutritionist you have ever been to. I still struggle but with each set back she helps me to continue to move forward. Angela, I don't know how to say how much I appreciate you! Thank You so much!!!



I have been working with Angela for three months now. I found her on the web, watched her videos and felt motivated to call. After a SIBO diagnosis, my GI doc put me on a round of antibiotics and then called it good. I felt better for a few months and then all my symptoms started creeping back in. I felt like I was reacting to everything, healthy foods included. My doctor kept telling me that I had IBS and offered me medication. That isn't the route that I wanted to go. I didn't have IBS for the first 90% of my life, so why should I accept all of these gut symptoms now?

Even before I mentioned the previous SIBO test she knew exactly what I had and what we needed to do. She helped me figure out my diet - within the first week - I was symptom free. I hadn't been symptom free in four years! She had me get a new SIBO breath test and placed me on a protocol to address SIBO. There were weeks where we talked almost every day. I really can't believe the amount of support that she offered me and I am so very, very thankful for it. Three months later and my test is clear and I feel great. If you have SIBO, you need to see Angela. I will buy Angela's book when it comes out.


Stephanie D

Angela is very knowledgeable, informative and quick to get back to you with your questions. She totally makes sense and tries to keep things simple, realistic yet with results.


P. K.

Angela offers a great program that gets you great results. Of course, it was up to me to follow through with everything but she gave me all of the tools I needed to get (and keep!) the results I was looking for.



The most informative and useful nutrition and lifestyle information available. Angela provides practical information for busy people so that they can eat and move mindfully!! It changed my life!


Greg G

After a SIBO diagnosis, multiple rounds of antibiotics and seeking out at least six different health care providers, Angela finally helped me make sense of my diagnosis. The information that Angela provides is simply phenomenal. After following her suggestions I finally feel better. THANK YOU ANGELA!!!! If you have SIBO you have to work with Angela.



I am happy to say that I have continued to lose weight, albeit at a much slower rate than when I was working with Angela– Current loss of 45 lbs. Whoohoo! Another exciting benefit from working with Angela is that I have been able to share her wisdom with my oldest daughter, who has now lost over 20 lbs. and my husband has lost over 25 lbs. Whoohoo!!

Angela, thank you so much for all you do – you have changed my life in so many amazing ways!



I can't say enough good things about Angela. A friend referred me. She actually referred me to her at least four different times, and I finally listened. I was definitely not disappointed.

I’ve been plagued with chronic digestive issues my whole life and recently they were out of control. She had SO much information and was able to make it seem so simple and logical and easy to understand. I was surprised by the detail of our conversation. She wanted to know about my health as an infant, through childhood and into adulthood. We talked about my mother’s health prior to her pregnancy and during pregnancy. We talked about how I ate, what I ate, how my body responded to the food I eat and its environment.

What I loved best about her approach was she really didn't ask for me to do a huge diet overhaul and entirely change everything. She looked at what I was already doing and gave suggestions on how to adapt my choices to make them balanced, healthier and easier on my digestive system. I enjoy our weekly calls. She is full of energy and enthusiasm, and has a detailed answer for everything.

I would even recommend seeing her if you don't have a specific issue, but just want to be healthier in general. She totally changed my life (seriously) and was worth every penny.


Katie C

I wouldn’t have my health today if it weren’t for Angela. That might sound to be on the dramatic side, but it is true. Thanks to her insight and tenacity (she asked me the same question four different ways during our intake session and I finally remembered an event that triggered my poor health. I had not connected this with my health and now it all makes sense). I lost weight, met my goal and more importantly, I kept the weight off now for over a year.

Angela is knowledgeable on so many nutrition-related topics. She explained everything to me in detail and helped me connect the dots. Yes, I am an individual and yes, my symptoms are my own, but for so long I felt like ‘I am the only one that reacts this way!!!’ After she explained everything and I understood that this is simply my body responding to its environment, we put a plan together. I appreciated how much Angela loves food and that this wasn’t an exercise in calorie adherence. This was an exploration of how my body responds to things and as soon as I practiced balance in the way that I ate, slept and moved then my body began to respond in a favorable way.

What I especially appreciate is how accessible she is even outside her office hours: we communicate via email in addition to in person and she's helped me out several times in terms of advice on how to deal with a food-related situation or keeping me accountable or just cheering me on. I've recommended her to all my friends who've asked about nutrition advice and I'll do the same here!


Marie C.

I tried just about every diet out there, and I work out a lot, but just couldn’t seem to lose any weight. I came across Angela through a web search. When we met, we discussed an issue I’ve struggled with for the last 15 years. She suggested some additional tests that identified the root cause of my problem and started working with me to change my eating habits and life habits to address it. The eating habit changes were subtle, but the lifestyle changes were a big overhaul - what a difference they made! I had adrenal fatigue and didn’t know it. No matter what I did, I would feel better the first week and then immediately I would feel like my body would shut down. With Angela’s help, I no longer get those heavy sugar cravings at 3pm, I have even energy all day long and I am starting to lose inches from my midsection (this is a true miracle).


Teresa Greene

Angela, I just had to say THANK YOU! The information you have given me is phenomenal. You changed my life in a month, and I am in awe of all that you know. I’m so excited and feel like I finally have the tools and guidance that I need to make positive changes in my diet and in my life as a whole.


B. M.

Angela is AMAZING! and I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to learn how to eat healthier, feel better or has symptoms/health issues which are not being solved by conventional dr.’s. With her support and guidance I have never felt better. If it wasn’t for her I would not be functioning. She is wonderful and I cannot recommend her highly enough.


Jordan R.

She made it clear from the beginning that she wanted to help me figure out what was at the root of my symptoms, rather than just managing them. Angela explained things in a way that I could understand without feeling overwhelmed or confused. She has given me so many resources to help me not only physically, but also emotionally, heal. I still have a long way to go, but she has been there every step of the way. Any time I have a question, she always answers it; her support and guidance is very thorough and I really feel that she cares about her clients. I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone.


Sally M.

I contacted Angela after my doctor recommended her and after I read through the testimonials. She definitely surpassed my expectations. I have been dealing with thyroid, adrenal and digestive issues (SIBO) that have plagued me for years, and Angela has been incredible. After trying this on my own for so long and trying so many different things, I really didn’t know which way was up (what I should be eating). I really can't believe the amount of time that she spent with me. I had daily questions for her and she patiently answered each one. There were quite a few adjustments that we had to make along the way, but we did it. I finally feel great.


Grace R.

I had tried every diet. I found Angela through a recommendation of a colleague and have never felt better. Where most nutritionists would treat you for just being heavy, Angela took the time to figure out what was at the root of the issue. Angela was able to address my slow metabolism and get me on track. Angela doesn’t put you on a diet. She helps you figure out the best eating approach and makes you focus on the lifestyle issue. I say ‘make’ because I fought this a bit. She was really respectful of where I was at and she also helped me see my symptoms and weight were less about food and more about stress, sleep issues and hormonal imbalances. I have not had a migraine once I eliminated Gluten and have naturally lost weight, my joints no longer hurt and I have the support I needed to make the change.


Paula P.

Angela is the best! I have worked with her for about three months and she has made such a big impact on my life. She was able to figure out what my other practitioners had not. I have had decades of GI issues and repeated treatments and medications and nothing was really working. Angela is so knowledgeable. I had met with three other nutritionists and they simply didn’t have a clue what was going on. I’d get a handout and be sent on my way. I am thrilled that I found her. She is very thorough and easy to talk to as well. She is wonderful with communicating via e-mail too. I have recommended her to several friends and they are starting to see results too.


Laura Horton

I came to Angela because I simply could not lose weight. No matter what I did, the weight wouldn’t budge. I have tried EVERYTHING. In one month, following Angela’s guidance, I lost 10-12 lbs (since December) And I am more or less maintaining it...I've been a lot less disciplined since January but I'm getting back on track starting this week as I would hate to erase all the progress I've made. Since I'm only 5'2", the weight that has come off is pretty noticeable and I'm very happy about it. I have about 7-10 more lbs that I’d like to lose, but so far, I'm very happy about the progress that I’ve made with Angela! I owe my success to the guidance that Angela has given me.


M. Henry

I decided to get some help with losing weight after having my second child. I have struggled with weight my whole life and really felt exhausted even thinking about a diet. Angela was able to figure out the best plan for me and took into consideration what I like to eat, that I am a picky eater and what I have time to prepare. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and feel like I have a plan that feels more like a habit now than extra work that I have to do. I am shocked and excited to see the number on the scale. I really didn’t think that I would reach this weight. If she can help me, she can help you.


G. Reid

Working with Angela and has brought back health and well-being to my life after unknown and undiagnosed serious food allergies caused major health troubles. through her programs I lost 60 lbs of "weight" that was really inflammation and using the whole body and mind approach. I am healthy, happy, and energetic gain! Highly recommend for anyone who really believes they can be happy in health again!


Kelli Cleave

I have tried SO many diets and failed in the past. There are so many weight loss plans, quick fat loss diets that may work temporarily but then you revert back to your old ways because you didn't learn how to eat to live. Working with Angela has been life changing for me. Angela has taught me how to nourish my body through whole food and also drives focus towards the 5 essential keys of health. I am learning to live a healthier life style both mentally and physically and these are things I am also teaching my children. I am losing weight steadily and slowly and I am okay with that because it is a lifestyle change. I am even documenting my health journey on Instagram @missionfitchick. I highly recommend the Angela as everyone should learn how to live a holistic, healthy life.


Mission Fit Chick

Life Changing

I signed up for the 90 day program and am so thankful I did!! Over those 3 months, Angela got to know me and gently helped me made changes throughout my life. Within the first two weeks Angela recognized symptoms for a significant thyroid issue my doctor had not noticed! In summary, I lost over 30 lbs in 3 months and feel & look better than I have in decades. I have learned SO much from Angela - she is truly a gem!


Teresa B.

Angie has helped me transform my health. I have Crohn's disease and have always struggled with eating healthy foods, because so many trigger digestive unrest. I'm also incredibly picky. Angie created amazing meal plans for my family that we all enjoy, and which are super easy to prep. Truthfully, I never thought eating well could be so much fun or losing weight could be so easy. My colon is healthy and I have lost over twenty pounds!



I came to see Angela a few months ago to address my weight. I had been trying to lose the same 15 pounds for the last THREE years. Every time I would get close to my goal, I would sabotage myself and gain it all back. After reading the testimonials listed here I was encouraged to call. I am so happy that I called! I quickly learned why my current efforts weren’t working. Angela taught me the right way to eat (why don’t we learn this in school?), how to stick with the patterns and gave me the confidence to know that I can do this on my own. I dropped 12 pounds and three dress sizes. I am leaner than I thought I could be and loving it! Thank you Angela!


Denise L.

Thanks to you I am down to 168 pounds (started at 201.5 lbs) and my waist is at 32 inches! I have not been this weight since my early 20’s so I am ecstatic! Meanwhile, I can’t express how grateful I am for all your support and guidance.


Tina E.

I met with Angela, the nutritionist, on my wife’s insistence. I must admit I approached this with a less-than-optimistic attitude thinking I was going to be given lists of foods and made to feel crummy about the way I eat, as has happened with other nutritionists. Angela was great. She taught me how and when to eat. She was very supportive and made me feel I was doing a number of things rights. I lost 28 pounds and was able to kick my cholesterol and hypertension meds.


Steve C

My husband and I met with you three months ago at the suggestion of our PCP. We want to thank you for helping us both understand how we might change our eating habits. We’ve really been able to stick to the new colorful way to eat. I’ve lost twenty-eight pounds and my husband has lost about thirty-five – we still have a few pounds to go, but regardless, we are feeling great and are confident in our ability to make this new way of eating a lifetime choice. It was clear after just a week on our new plan that this was a plan that we would be able to stick with.


Sarah and Bob T.

Hi Angela,

I'm not sure if you'll remember me so here's a brief recap. I'm Dan H, my mom Cindy is who you initially talked to when we started working with you back in 2009 I believe. You are currently working with my uncle, Mike. Anyway, I had severe ulcerative colitis and with your help I was able to recover from it! I've wanted to tell you Thank you all along but didn't have your info and never took the time to get it, but I got an email from you the other day so here I am:) I've been doing great despite a few ups and downs but I still implement some of the things I learned from you. I had spent about 2 years basically in bed before we found you. So once again, Thank you for helping me live life again!!


Dan H

What a pleasure! I wish all medical appointments were like this. Angela really listened to me and suggested options that would help suit my lifestyle. She's very empathetic and proactive at the same time. She also seemed to know a lot about nutrition and even though I've been on very strict and healthy diets and know a lot about living a healthy lifestyle- she still managed to teach me new things. Very cooperative and encouraging and in the world of weight loss - that alone has made me optimistic and WANT to stick to my meal plan. Highly recommend!



Don't think about it twice, please go to see Angela. She is absolutely fantastic! She is caring, will listen to what you have to say, will develop a plan with you and will follow-up and support day by day. My GI doc actually laughed at me when I told her I wanted to treat SIBO with herbs and not antibiotics. My last SIBO test finally came back negative and I am symptom free. Absolutely no complaints.


Helen L.

Call Angela Now! Angela is calm, compassionate and encouraging. I began seeing her about a year and a half ago and I know I was not the easiest client! She handled my hysterical phone calls and text messages with sympathy and grace. She helped me make it through a rough couple of months when I was learning how to properly fuel and train myself. She has pushed me to do more than I thought I could and now in addition to daily nutrition she counsels me on how to fuel for races and other events. An appointment with Angela is like catching up with your best friend. She is interested in everything going on in my life because it all affects my nutrition. She has helped me make the connection between my mental and physical health and achieve my goals.


T. Hughes

Meeting with Angela is one of the best decisions I have made. She listens, she gives advice, and she tells you things that you do not want to hear (like why I need to cut back on my weekly glass of wine…etc) and gave me the motivation that I need to be successful with my habits. (Beware of the random emails in the middle of the day that check to make sure you've been drinking your water!!)

I've been seeing her three months now, and have had amazing results. She is your personal cheerleader, and working with her will make you feel part of a team.

Seriously- she's the best in Seattle. No, really- seriously. Like, don't even look for anyone else. Sign off this review, and contact her now! You won't regret it :)


E. Robinson

Angela is the best!. I began seeing her over a year ago and I couldn't be more pleased. I have learned so much about food, nutrition and health. She has helped me develop a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and easy. She is knowledgable, helpful, supportive and encouraging. Thanks to my work with her, I am healthier now than I have been in years. I now eat to live rather than live to eat. If you're looking for a great nutritionist look no further. Angela is the best!


Avery W.

Excellent! Angela has my highest recommendation. She is knowledgeable and extremely dedicated to her work. I love how she tailored her advice to me and my needs and worked with me to find the perfect plan to fit my goals and my life. Most importantly, Angela is kind and empathetic and took an active interest in my well-being. She has had a major influence on my health! I've been dealing with gut issues most of my life, starting in high school. Candida is so hard to kick. Right now, here today, I feel great.


C. Harris

Top of the field. Angela is an extraordinary provider. I found her to be reassuring, and an excellent listener. I have seen three nutritionists in my lifetime and none compare to the movement I have experience with her. I have lost 28 pounds and three pant sizes and feel like I have a new beginning. What I most appreciate about her is that I feel like this is how I live and eat now. This isn’t another ‘diet’ that I tried. I am confident that I will keep this weight off and this is something that I thought I would never say (long history of yo-yo weight).


Cynthia Y.

Highly recommended. I first saw Angela in September of 2012 when I was diagnosed with diabetes. She has been extraordinarily helpful in teaching me about food and nutrition and helping me to create a food plan that works with my tastes and lifestyle. Angela is extremely personable and friendly and is enjoyable to work with. She balances empathetic support with pushing me to make more healthy changes, and is there to support me on every step along the way. She is knowledgeable and well informed about all areas of nutrition. In three short months I was able to get my fasting blood sugar under 100. I thought that food would help me manage my condition. I now know that I can eat in a way that reverses diabetes.


Stacy Allen

The BEST... your search stops here! Looking for an awesome nutritionist??? Yep, you just found her. Angela is a god-send. I've never met someone so passionate about not only her work, but people in general! Angela gives you the tools you need to be successful with whatever nutritional goal you may have (for me it was weightloss), and she also helps you kick that little negative voice in the back of your head's butt! (Hence the title "Nutrition COUNSELOR." ) I never realized how much my emotions have to do with my eating habits.


H. Morris

Eat good , feel good. the information I received from Angela is invaluable , not only did I hit my target weight , I continue to keep it off without starving myself. But more importantly she taught me how to feel good about myself all through my weight loss journey. Thanks to Angela I not only look good,, but I feel great !!!! Thanks again for all your encouragement and my new healthy lifestyle !! I highly recommend Angela


Darcie W.

Angela’s is a great sport’s nutritionist. I’ve been a triathlete for the past few years and never quite got my eating in line with my training. I performing better, leaned out a bit and feel like I have better consistent energy. I highly recommend Angela.


J. Thompson

Truly the best. Great learning experience. Having been a former dancer I had a very regimented lifestyle with little to no difficulty to maintain. Exercising and eating changed completely once I retired from performing, and so did my body. I was frustrated with myself for reasons that I could not even understand, until I went to see Angela. Angela is a great listener, and helped me to understand what had changed, why my body was responding to food differently and what I needed to do to reach my realistic goals. I had no concept of what was even realistic until we met. I also had no idea it was so easy to eat well and live almost the same as I had been with minor changes in food preparation and becoming educated about eating out. It is so enlightening to understand what happens when you have the right amount of what you need and the right amount of excercise. It made me think why doesn't everyone learn this in school? Angela is a wonderful nutritionist – you’ll become informed and make positive life changing habits.


L. Scott

Personal consulting that works. Angela is extremely knowledgeable about the nutrition field and healthy living. I lost 17.5 pounds and have figured out how to FINALLY manage my IBS. I have been to doctor after doctor and no one has been able to figure this out. I had lived with it for so long that I figured this was just the way it is. THANK YOU ANGELA!!


H. Edwards

Best nutritional advice...and more.... When I stumbled across Angela’s website I was already losing hope that I would find a health care provider that really understood SIBO. I had been to a few other providers, paid a lot of money, and still ended up feeling like I was just another earned fee. Well Angela changed everything for me. She has been able to coach me through an intensive program that helped me kick SIBO. I am shouting her praises from the mountain tops! Angela loves what she does and it shows in her care.


C. Taylor

Great Advice! Angela is very knowledgeable about nutrition. If you have an issue that can be resolved by better eating habits, Angela will show you the way. She has an impressive background in clinical nutrition, but she also makes things very easy to understand. I've learned a lot from Angela, and I always thought I knew most of what there was to know about nutrition. I look forward to learning more each time I visit her!


Amanda H.

Best nutritionist in the Seattle area! I have been going to see Angela for at least 2 years now and every time I go I feel like I am getting the best care. I have a chronic condition and owe a debt of gratitude to Angela for helping stay as balanced as possible through my flares.


E. W.

I would highly recommend Angela to anyone who wants to improve their eating habits, heal their body and mind and maintain a more positive and well balanced life. Thank you Angela for years of incredible information worth in gold to me.


Peter Wilson

Angela Pifer is an expert in nutrition and healthy eating! She is a pleasure to know and has helped me control my eating habits. Go see her, she is well worth the try!


Gretchen G.

Angela is a game changer in living a healthy life. I learned a lot about cooking food, and having a balance body, heart, and the mind. If you want to improve eating habits, but also improve overall life attend and make a difference.



Angela was friendly, informative, and direct. I feel like she really listened to my concerns and created a thoughtful plan for me. She wasn't judgmental at all (said ‘this is simply the starting point, let’s see what we can do together’) and also had a good sense of humor. I plan on joining her online group in January!


Sara F.

Angela is terrific! She had mapped out a very clear menu plan and program based on my needs and her suggestions and guidelines have been more than helpful. I have diabetes Type 2, and I'd been following a very conventional meal plan - Angela showed me how eat to help me recover my blood sugars and keep my hunger pangs at bay. I don’t even miss the processed food that had such a strong presence in my life a year ago.


Jonathan Rivers

I strongly recommend Angela. This was my first visit and she took the time to listen to all my concerns and answered all my questions, she didn't rush me in any way. She made me feel very comfortable and gave me useful advice. We address my sleep, eating, exercise and emotional habits. Strongly recommend her.


Lenora W.

My experience with Angela has been so amazing that it has inspired me to write my first review. Over the past year, I have exercised about one-two hours a day, 6 days a week. I varied my workouts between boxing, kickboxing, P90x and running. I ate what I thought was a healthy diet, but I was just not seeing the results I wanted. I highly recommend her services to anyone. Whether you want to lose weight or just have more energy, she can help. Angela is very professional, extremely prompt in returning emails, and amazingly supportive. I am now on track with my weight loss –working out less, but more effective and eating the right way. If I could give her 50 stars, I would.


Cindy E.

I am so thankful that I stumbled upon Angela’s website. It has made all the difference for me! She has helped to take the mystery out of eating for me, and has brought the joy back in. I have always considered myself a “healthy eater”…but also felt like I was missing something. I never felt like I had enough energy. I always felt “okay” and I WANTED to feel great:) What I appreciated most about working with Angela is that she definitely took the “whole picture” approach. She left no rock unturned-she took the time to really understand me and all aspects of my life. During our phone consultations, I never felt rushed for time, and I felt very comfortable sharing about my daily habits -she made me feel unique, and she made me feel like she genuinely cared for my well-being. I lost 13 pounds and feel leaner and “GREAT!” My energy level is way up. I actually get out of bed with energy and I don’t want to fall asleep every day at 3PM.


Kathy L.

Angela was the missing link in my life long battle to lose weight. I have tried so many diets starting at a young age and had continued to struggle with one diet after another. Even then I felt lost in a battle I was losing. She came along and gave me hope. From the first week I started working with her I have consistently lost each week. I have lost 16 pounds in 11 weeks. The amazing part is that I am not dieting. She took one look at a sample menu day and new exactly where I needed to make changes to see results. She customized a plan for me taking into consideration my lifestyle and food preferences, which is why this works so well. My family is also benefiting from her since I am the shopper and chef. She has taught me how to balance my daily nutrition and as a benefit my body is getting smaller and stronger. I love the fact that we can do most of this over the phone and via e mail. She is a great teacher who is patient and kind in her approach. As for the cost, there are various levels of support to suit your needs, but every penny worth the expertise. I am looking forward to reaching my weight loss goal this year with Angela there to cheer me on!


Sara W.

I have nothing but good things to say about Angela, she was the first and only nutritionist I worked with and has helped me understand what my body needed. I am a petite and healthy, fairly fit person, all I wanted to accomplish was to lose around 6-8 lbs that I have slowly gained in the last few years. I was a little skeptical in the beginning because nothing I have tried before had worked, I was already eating healthy etc...

Angela created a plan for me focusing on foods that I already ate and liked, but with strategies like distributing calories throughout the day, knowing how to pair foods and being able to eat delicious treats that count (i.e. desert) without impacting my goals. I have so far lost 6 lbs, in a steady and healthy way. I have learned so much about nutrition, how what you eat will affect your mood and skin and reached a point where I don’t think about my plan anymore because it feels logical and like second nature to me.


Lauren H.

I have always loved the idea of being healthy, but in this world today that is not easy to manage on your own. I had a few questions about my eating habits and thought it a good idea to get some guidance. In one short month I feel like I have the clarity with my eating that I have been looking for over the past twenty years! Eating now feels simple, easy and enjoyable. I highly recommend Angela!


Lois L.

I first contacted Angie to help me with my diet because I wanted to lose weight and generally eat more healthfully. Over the last 4 weeks I’ve learned that eliminating wheat clears my mind, body and spirit. I feel like my body is cleaner and functioning better. For the last four years I thought that wheat may be an issue, but I never had enough support to give wheat-free a chance. This change in my diet has given me more energy and less of an appetite for unhealthy food, and, I have lost 8lbs! I enjoyed working with Angela. She has been and continues to be an excellent nutrition coach and offers invaluable guidance through this process. I have enough confidence to work on my own now and feel like I will easily be able to continue with this eating plan.


Karin T.

Well after 32 days on your program and a loss of 18 pounds I feel better than when I was 30. No more coffee, sweets, desserts. I no longer crave sugar or salt, use my sauna everyday and look forward to my 5:45am workouts. Your program provided more than I expected BUT I now need a tailor to adjust my Hong Kong hand made suits. But thankfully my Tux fits like it never has before and I'll be wearing it out for my 30th wedding anniversary. Thanks for the experience. It exceeded my expectations and was fun.


Dr. David-Paul Zimmerman

I had been a dieter for more than 25 years and had just about given up hope of losing the excess pounds until I stumbled upon Angela’s website. I started with the one week program and was so impressed with the indepth and helpful analysis that I signed up for the three month program. Over the course of the program, I lost 22 pounds and to date I have lost 45, have been successful in maintaining my pre-yo yo diet weight of 115 pounds. I have lost weight in the past, but would gain it back after hitting a plateau and becoming discouraged. Angela skillfully guided me through the plateaus and helped keep me moving in the right direction. She showed me how to eat. This is a new way of life, not a "diet" and I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about improving their quality of life.


A. Ritchie

This program is incredibly valuable because it does what no book or weight watchers did for me - actually showing me, based on my real current diet and habits, what I am missing or I am having too much of - how I need to balance. I love having this personal attention!


Sue L.

I’m not sure how to express how much I value the support, guidance and useful information you’ve provided for me but I just wanted you to know that it has literally saved my life. My perceptions and beliefs about food have completely evolved and most of that is thanks to you. Thanks for emphasizing what’s truly important when it comes to health and nourishment, and not allowing me to dwell on the petty issues. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you.



Angela was amazing and supportive from day 1. She made me feel safe and ready to attack nutrition in a way that was supportive of my lifestyle and goals.

She listened, gave spot on feedback quickly. As a young man trying to focus on being healthy and active her tips and guidance have shifted my life for the better. I am in control and loving the impacts she has helped make on my nutrition, health and overall wellbeing.

I am beyond thankful everyday for the impact she has had and will continue to have on my life. It is true if you listen and follow her guidelines amazing things will happen.


Ryan F

Thanks again for all your help (especially because I didn’t believe what you said would work). I think you have given me the biggest education of my entire life. Everything I thought about food, weight and diabetes were actually backwards. I know it is going to be a long recovery for me, but I want you to know that you were very instrumental in helping me save my life. Thank you so much!


Katherine Haines

Angela is truly an inspiration! The energy and love that she has and shows in her work has helped me make sense of my world. I have been dealing with issues around food and self esteem for so long that I sometimes gave up on thinking that there would ever be light at the end of the tunnel. I have really enjoyed the program and it is helping me to make changes where I can and forgive myself for my set backs. I am now down to my goal weight and I know I can maintain it now.


Lisa L.

This program is fabulous. It offers personal support at your fingertips and it challenges your habits instead of depriving you of food. I have recommended it to all of my friends.


Kate Phillips

I wanted to take a minute to thank Angela for the wonderful program she is offering. This program has transformed my life for the better. Angela has helped me so much - she has been so receptive to my needs. She took the time each week to explain and make sure I understood the idea behind the changes we were making - and beyond. I can't thank her enough. My doctor is pleased with the results too. My blood work is recovering nicely and we have reduced my blood pressure medication with the goal of removing it completely within the next three months.



Angela is amazing! She changed my life with regards to food and dieting. I’ve struggled with food and weight for 40 years. Food was not my friend. I’d been on more diets than I can remember and had been to Weight Watchers 20+ times. One of the major factors in my success in working with Angela was her coaching me on how to eat healthy based upon the foods that I enjoy and my lifestyle. We also focused on being healthy rather than "losing weight". I lost 19 pounds, learned to enjoy food, and was given the confidence to make healthy food choices at all times throughout the day and when dining out. She worked with me on eating more often and provided endless food suggestions. It was one of the best investments in “me” that I’ve made.


Erinn A.

The most awesome thing about Angela is that she listens! Her plans don’t ever interrupt your busy lifestyle. I am from India and was concerned about finding a nutritionist who could work with my foods. She is able to help you control your healthy lifestyle, provides accurate reports on your health, and is very easy to talk to with her comfortable atmosphere and great personality! I constantly recommend Angela to my family and friends for weight loss or just to stay healthy!


Michelle C.

I’ve always known that I need to be healthier, but didn’t have the tools or knowledge to do it. Angie has educated me to make decisions for myself. Instead of planning out a daily meal plan (which she does do), I wanted her to empower me to make my own decisions on a daily basis. She has taught me a lot in the past couple of months, and I have seen great results. Besides losing body fat, I actually feel a lot better. We identified foods that were giving me stomach issues, and added foods that made me feel better. I have more energy and feel better than I have in years.



Angela is passionate about helping people. I really do appreciate her knowledge, the support that she offered to me, and how she customized a nutrition plan that was and is realistic and manageable. She is awesome. I am much more enthusiastic about working out and not feeling guilty about what I eat. I am much closer to my ideal weight goal and its only been a couple months since I started on the routine.


L. Burch

I just have to tell you that our daughter absolutely loves you. This is been one of the most difficult times of her life but she has really relied on you to teach her what is healthy and what is not. She mentioned the word confidence the other day. This was one of the first times I have heard her use this word around food.



Since working with Angela over the last few months, I'm more focused on eating healthy.... not dieting!!!! What a change for me..... someone who has been dieting since high school! I am so happy with the changes I'm making. Her support and encouragement has taken me to a new place in my relationship with food.



Since I started working with Angela last October, I have lost 53 lbs. total and my A1c is now 5.0%! A year ago my A1c was 6.9%!!!!

Because of these changes, my doctor is cutting my Metformin dose by 50% and we are evaluating my blood pressure with the goal of reducing that as well!

I see food so much differently now and I do not miss (or crave) all of the processed food I used to eat. I get a lot more out of my workouts now that I am capable of doing more. Life is good!

Thank you Angela, for all of your guidance and support. I finally feel I have found a lifestyle plan that I can follow (shall I say it?) for the rest of my life!



I worked with Angela for one month. My goal was/is to reduce pain. Angela has helped me clean up my diet and remove all of the sources of gluten and dairy that cause inflammation. I feel much better now. I have less pain and I am sleeping better. Thank you!


Carol S

I’ve noticed a HUGE difference in how I feel and how I’m eating. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m the one controlling the food I eat rather than the food controlling me. I’m also feeling awake and energized in the morning and find that I’m drinking less coffee.




I've only worked with Angela for a few months and during that time she has helped me to understand how carbs work (and don't work) for healthy eating. It's been hard to give up a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits and try to put new ones in place. I'm almost halfway to my goal weight and reaching out now to increase my activity level purposefully!

I highly recommend Angela to anyone desiring or having to make changes in their eating habits as she is encouraging, knowledgeable and never condescending or judgmental. One could not ask for a better guide!



After two weeks of sticking pretty strong to the new plan, my IBS has improved (noticeably) - so thank you! The daily urgency is definitely decreased. Thank you so much for the advice - it's really the first time in 15 years that I've noticed any substantial difference, so I am definitely grateful!



I've struggled for years with developing healthy habits. Each time I would feel like I was making some headway, life would take back over and I’d be right back to square one. Working with Angela has given me the knowledge and support necessary to make dramatic and lasting changes in my lifestyle. I feel better and more confident about my health, body and overall approach to nutrition as it touches all aspects of my life. I would recommend Angela for anyone who is trying to make a healthy change for the better.


Melanie C.

In one week, you gave me the knowledge I need to make the life changes I need. I have more energy, have lost 4lbs over the last two weeks and definitely feel a difference in how my clothes feel. I have to laugh, I have had 3 people ask me if I have found the fountain of youth – no joke.

I still have a lot of work to do in regards to getting in the habit of meal planning but the tools you gave me are a great start. Thank you again – you are awesome. I have told several people about my experience.



Since I've been working with Angela, I've seen a huge difference in the way I think about food. I’ve been working with a fitness trainer for over 3 years, and though I feel much more fit than when I began, I didn’t see a huge shift in my weight. I knew I had to address my eating habits. Angela’s suggestions are realistic and I haven’t felt deprived of things that I like to eat. She is encouraging every step of the way. I can't say enough about how much she has helped me.


Jennie K.

Last November I decided to tackle my weight issue head-on and researched nutritionists, diet doctors, personal trainers, life coaches (you name it) until I found someone whose philosophy resonated with me. Angela puts the emphasis on health which has consequently helped me focus my efforts and given me a sense of accomplishment each week even when the scale didn't move as much as I had hoped! Close to 30 pounds lighter I'm healthier and happier than I have ever been.


Kelly B.

I was hesitant to work with a nutritionist. I am such a picky eater and I thought I wouldn’t be able to eat the foods that they suggested. I am SO happy to have found Angela! She created a plan that includes quick, convenient healthy foods and healthy foods that I can cook. She also helped me figure out the best resources and restaurants in my area. I'm able to eat well even when I'm too busy to think much about it. She's always responsive to my questions and follow-up call and she's so wonderfully friendly. I am recommending her to all of my friends.


Tina W.

I lost 50 pounds working with Angela!! For the first time in a long time, I am confident that I will keep this weight off. My take home message is that, ‘it isn’t all about food.’ My on again off again past dieting always led me back to old habits and weight gain. I’d focus on cutting calories and lose weight, but I wouldn’t address my happiness, stress, sleep, activity AND food. Angela helped me create a healthier lifestyle and that weight loss is a side effect of this lifestyle. I thought I needed to count calories for the rest of my life. I am amazed everyday at how I feel and what I'm able to accomplish. My work with Angela made my new, healthy, thinner life possible!


Brenda P.

I thought I knew what to do and how to eat to lose weight. I learned that I knew too many ideas to put an effective plan in place. When I first met with her, I told her up front that I like to eat out. With Angie’s knowledge of this area, each time I’d mention a favorite restaurant she could tell me the healthiest choice to order. She even reviewed my favorite take out menus and highlighted her recommendations! She was always available to answer questions, and responded to my many emails – with such quickness, that I am sure that there is two of her.



Calling Angela was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Thanks to her (and a lot of hard work at the gym), in a matter of months, I lost 75 pounds,...and I didn't starve myself. As I lost the weight, I worked with Angela to adjust my diet... and she made sure that I was including foods that I really enjoy. And for a 35 year-old guy, I look better than ever, and I feel better than ever. And to top it off, I really enjoy cooking and eating again (Now I know how to eat!)


Josh D.

If diets worked, I'd have been svelte back in 2002.

I started working with Angela in Jan 2010, and remain grateful each day for what I learned from her. Her approach is holistic, practical, focused on results, and the learning process continues to unfold for me two years later.

After working with Angela and still having problems losing weight, she referred me to an excellent metabolic specialist. If not for the work with Angela, I'm convinced that I'd have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes before now. Fortunately, because of her skill and access to excellent resources, I have a solid shot at preventing diabetes, I have more energy than I've had in years, and I enjoy what I eat



My 4 basic food groups are cookies, cake, ice cream and candy. So, if Angela can help me lose weight, and I've lost 33 lbs and halfway to my goal in just over 4 months, she can help anyone. She's encouraging, extremely patient and understanding. And just as important as losing the weight, Angela has taught me how to eat properly, in moderation, and still be able to enjoy the foods I love.

If you're heavy... And, you know who you are... You owe it to yourself to go see her.


R. U.

I debated going to a nutritionist for a very long time. The thought of discussing my weight issues has always made me feel uncomfortable. I finally decided to give it a try after a good friend recommended Angela.

Over the past several months I've found her to be extremely knowledgeable and she's managed to teach me a lot about nutrition. I finally feel empowered to take control of my weight. Angela deserves a 5 star rating because she helped me change my life for the better. She has been extremely supportive and makes our sessions very worthwhile. She's always made me feel very comfortable about discussing my eating habits and I've never felt like she was judging me. If you're serious about getting help with your weight you will never find someone better than Angela. She's truly the best. I'm down 40 lbs. and I plan on losing more with her help.


Charlene F.

Angela changed my life one mindful meal at a time, by helping transform my general views toward food and what it means to be healthy. I came to Angela because I felt like I had lost my way with food and was tired of trying to figure out my own (incorrect) path. I was skeptical at first, but that quickly changed when I realized how easy Angela made it to stick with meaningful and realistic goals and expectations. After each session, we tried to set up goals that were important for me, and reflected challenges that I expected to encounter in the weeks to come (i.e. - the holiday season or vacations). Knowing that the control to succeed was solely in my hands made each challenge that much easier to succeed.


Annie P.

I've been working with Angela for about 8 months. She is fantastic since you helps you change your eating habits instead of putting you on a diet. I lost the weight I wanted to lose and now I am just maintaining my new weight. Angela teaches you a way of eating and enjoying food without being on a restrictive diet. This is the right way to control your eating and your weight.


Pauline T.

Angela is just what I was looking for in a nutritionist......I needed an approach that would teach me how to eat, not to diet so I could simply get to an ideal weight, only to have it fail......AGAIN. She has left no stone unturned and continues to provide meaningful and realistic goals each week. If you are looking for a radical but very practical view of food and diets and what is actually healthy, Angela is the only person I would ever suggest.


Leslie E.

I first saw Angela after having my son. I had tried for a year to drop my pregnancy weight without much success. I had a solid understanding of nutrition and worked out regularly but I have to say after 40 years Angela changed my perspective about food entirely. Unlike so many fad diets and rigid food plans, Angela allows her clients to eat real food without over thinking it. No item is taboo, she is completely open and she's an excellent partner. I cannot recommend her highly enough.


Marwa N.

I give Angela my highest recommendation! She is professional, thorough, and possesses a wealth of knowledge about nutrition. She offers structure and encouragement to help you achieve your goals and teaches you how to think about eating. Angela will explain how to integrate healthful eating into your personal lifestyle. If you follow Angela's advice eating healthy will start to become second nature!


Trace M.

Angela was honestly the first time that I felt I was making a permanent lifestyle change rather than a temporary diet. She is amazing and I truly felt so comfortable sharing everything I was worried about. I truly reccomend it for anyone not only trying to lose weight, but also trying to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle!...which INCLUDES sweets and treats we all know we can not live without! I truly learned how to eat to live and live to eat in a positive way!


N. T.

Angela was not the first nutritionist I had tried working with so I was quite skeptical when I got started with her. Looking back, I cannot believe how much my life has changed due to her guidance and support. I believe I have lost nearly 30 pounds and to be honest, it was the easiest time I have ever had losing weight. We made small tweaks to my favorite meals, adjusted the times of day I was eating, and optimized my workouts. With her expertise, in some ways I am eating more and exercising less (a.k.a. more effectively) and it has really paid off. I have a NEW ME!



This review is written by someone who has extreme difficulty with food. I've battled my weight for a long time and I'm still having problem. Seeing Angela is like going to school and learning tips from a caring teacher. It's not a diet. She will not put you on a diet. So, if you're someone who is looking for a "quick fix"...then, you're not ready for Angela. You really need to be committed to make a life-long change in your food intake.

Angela will give you tools and teach you life-long lessons about nutrition. She will be there every step of the way and provide you with additional tips to help you. You will literally learn how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You will learn what makes good choices and what makes bad choices. You will learn how to snack healthily. It isn't easy to do (if you're like me and come with 20 years of bad baggage) but it is worth the commitment.

She caters to your specific needs - this is not a "one size fits all" plan...she really looks at what you eat and analyzes what is best for you. It is amazing, simply put. I mean, I drive at least two hours round trip just to see her...would I do it if she wasn't worth it?


Jane S.

Angela has been my nutritionist for over 6 months and I think she is great! She worked closely with me to create a nutrition plan that fit my needs and lifestyle. And in addition to our regular follows up, she was great about checking in or answering questions via email. I also love all the information available on her website.

If anyone is looking for a great nutritionist with lots of knowledge, I would definitely consider her.


Ashley S.

If you are sick of dieting and having your weight yo-yo every month... go to Angela. She literally made losing weight effortless. I don't even think about it anymore- its so easy and I feel healthy. I used to do 5 spin classes a week and still not lose pounds... after my first visit with her, i was already losing about a pound a week. She is very smart and always works with me and my picky eating habits. I recommend her to anyone looking to make a positive difference in their life and get off the "diet wagon" for once and all. This is just knowledge and a simple way of life that will affect you all around.


D. A.

My biggest regret is not going to Angela sooner. Last year I reached my all time heaviest. I spent hundreds of dollars a month doing food delivery services and taking exercise classes. I was only able to lose about 5 pounds, I realized I needed help.

For the first time in my life, I finally have control over food. Angela helped me figure out food options that worked with my busy lifestyle. I am still able to eat out and enjoy food without an impact on my waistline. In less than 3 months working with Angela I was able to lose over 28 pounds and I have honestly never felt better! Do this for yourself and visit Angela. You can spend years doing crash diets and workout fads but she will help you change your life in a way that you can maintain a healthy, beautiful body weight. I really can't say enough about what she taught me and how thankful I am that I found her when I did.


Debbie I.

Angela is so nurturing and supportive, and even when she was telling me how my current eating habits needed to change, she never made me feel bad about how I'd eaten. “Let’s move in a new direction….” For the first time in my life I feel like this is a new beginning for me.


Andrea L.

I have had a wonderful experience with Angela. I have learned so much. Journaling, I found, was key. Learning about nutrition and how to pair carbs with protein and eating consistently have really helped me. Her advice for my problem triggers were so insightful. It is definitely a process, but with the tools she has given me, I am moving forward and making healthy changes. Thanks, Angela, for all the care, encouragement, and knowledge you have given me. Janet S


Janet S

Your advice is WONDERFUL! I just wanted to check in and let you know that, brief as our time was together, I have followed your suggestions. The plan is extremely “life friendly”! I have already lost 10 pounds, and my husband has lost 7 or 8! We are both delighted that it is possible to enjoy life, not feel deprived in any way, and still lose weight. Of course the other benefits are coming along naturally, lower blood pressures, more energy, better sleep and happier moods.


Amy F.

I came to Angela after reaching my highest weight in 5 years. After trying by myself to watch what I was eating, counting calories and exercising about an hour a day, and not seeing results, I was at my wits-end. I had lost weight before, but gained it all back, and I needed a solution that worked. I figured I should try a nutritionist. After seeing all of Angela’s reviews, I thought that she was the best in Seattle. At my initial consultation, I was nervous, but Angela talked with me for over an hour and a half. I knew after that I was in good hands. The first week, I lost three pounds, the second week I lost two pounds, the third week I lost a two and a half pounds and the scale kept going down. None of the directions she gave me left me feeling hungry, and they were all quite simple and direct. In fact, I eat more now than I did before, and work out less. After four months, I've lost 18% of my body weight, and am 2lbs away from my goal. Before Angela, I truly didn't think this was possible. The best part is that unlike some "diets," these are changes I can maintain the rest of my life, and I can still eat pizza! I truly recommend Angela to everyone who is struggling with weight loss because I'm not sure where I would be without her. Trust the reviews you see, she is as good as everyone says!


Teresa Johns

Just wanted to say thanks again for being a kick-ass nutritionist. This is the first time I have felt like I have an eating and exercise plan in place that is real life and not just something I have to do for the next couple of months to drop a few pounds.


Deanne Streusser

I have never been able to stick with a ‘diet’ (dare I use that word?) for more than a month or two. Here I am six months out and still feeling like I am on-plan. I have lose 35 pound and I am down four dress sizes and almost to my goal weight (17 more pounds to go). The cool thing is that I don’t feel like I am eating on a plan. I simply eat and this has become a way of life for me. I still get to have some fun (never thought I’d hear my nutritionist say, “Go have more fun…you have to have dessert from time to time!” Angela is bright light in the world of gimmicks and fad diets. I am just so grateful that I decided to work with her….there are not even words to describe it!


Kaylee T.

I have to say that finding Angela and working with her is the best thing I have ever done for my health! She knows her stuff and explains why something is good or bad for you. I feel better and lost weight without hardly trying! Yes, I had to pay attention and write things down (on the computer) and be conscious about what I was eating, but it was totally different from anything I had done before. My friends and family tell me how great I look! And I love how much better I feel. Thanks, Angela, for getting me back on track!



I came to Angela to establish a more nutritious diet to help lower cholesterol & weight. Her advice was good, instruction fun and simple to practice. Her regular monitoring of my Food Journal kept me on track. It was fun learning to eat for greater nutrition. I expect to get both down in the next six months and enjoy it. Thanks



I went to Angela to get back on track. I had lost weight in the past but it kept coming back on. I wanted to be at a healthy weight and have healthy habits in place in order to start planning for a family. Angela offered easy to follow advice as well as motivation and inspiration. I looked forward to our weekly calls – just like looking forward to a call from a friend (though I knew I would get sound advice!) I am down to the weight I was at when I lost weight before, and I feel like I can keep going even further! Plus I have the healthy habits in place like I had hoped. This is what happens when you go to a professional I guess (and give up all the gimmicky dieting phases)! What is great is that while I still do indulge from time to time, I am much more aware of it and I eat a lot less of the indulgence than I would have. Also because my diet is generally better balanced, it seems like the occasional dessert isn't such a train wreck. All in all, if it's something you're considering, I say your time and money will be well spent!


Stacie S.

I really enjoyed working with Angela. Angela was recommended to me because I have many health problems and also needed to gain weight. She diagnosed the problems with my diet very fast. She quickly organized what to eat and when, so that I could consume the appropriate amount of food and avoid blood sugar spikes. She responded to my questions and emails very quickly. She explained why I was feeling certain things and what I could do. She taught me how to continue to have healthier nutrition. I feel confident about proceeding and I feel very grateful to Angela.


Irene David

My 14 year old daughter and I worked very closely with Angela for almost 3 months now, to help heal an intestinal imbalance which was causing severe mood and attentional issues as well as an uncontrolled craving for carbs and weight gain. My daughter reports that now she doesn't feel angry all the time and is not always tired. She has lost a bit of weight and is eating so healthy! Angie really helped us to understand what was going on and how to make changes and heal without feeling deprived from things that my daughter loved to eat. She was so incredibly supportive for all of us on a daily basis! My daughter even asked WHEN the next time we will be seeing her! I recommend Angie for ANYONE needing nutritional help and understanding! SHE is simply THE BEST!


Jodi and Emily

After yo-yo'ing on many of the fad diets out there I finally have the tools and knowledge to eat healthy for life. Angela assisted me in learning how to eat for insulin resistance and helped me lose 13 lbs in a month. The plan is so simple to follow and the support was amazing. I would recommend Angela to anyone looking to get off the fads and onto something real and sustainable.


Beth Murphy

After years and years of uncontrollable hypoglycemia and inability to feel good enough to exercise, Angela assessed my eating habits and pointed out what was working and what needed to be changed. It wasn't easy at first and took a little while to let go of old habits and learn new ways of eating but it worked; especially with Angela’s encouragement! Gone are the ups and downs of low blood sugar and energy. For the first time in my life I enjoy working out at the gym and the food anxiety is gone. Thanks to Angela’s support, patience and knowledge I feel healthy, energetic and present. I wish I had worked with Angela years ago.



I tasted food for the first time!
I lost 10 lbs and my husband lost 30 lbs!
I correlated definitive 'cause-and-effect' body reactions from eating/overeating different foods...physically and emotionally!
I felt GOOD!

My opinion is that you are providing a very helpful service and I am grateful!
Usually I have suggestions and advice, but you seem to be covering all the bases that I know of :)


Shelly V

After meeting with Angela Pifer, I feel empowered to take control of my health and well-being. I was sure I would never be able to eat the foods I love and go out with my husband but she assured me I will still be able to live my life and not feel punished. I know I can do it !


Sue H.

I have worked with Angela, and she taught me how to eat to lost weight. Good carbs vs. bad carbs - it is so confusing now a days with all of the wrong or mis information out there, Angela has really helped me to realize that I shouldn't be afraid of an apple or a whole grain. Working with her I was able to lose 30 lbs :) I am hoping to keep on track with her program and lose 50 lbs more. Now, if only I could get to the gym lol.


J. Petite

I searched for a nutritionist in Seattle and Angela's name kept coming up. I asked my Ob and my primary care doctor to recommend a nutritionist and they both recommended Angela. Her knowledge of nutrition is second to none! I heard her explain things that I have never never heard before. I would recommend her to anyone, without reservation.


Kelly Trevor

What a great way to start the new year! I contacted Angie in December and have been working with her for about a month now. I feel lighter, less anxious, more in control and I am definitely seeing results. She has a great caring nature and I look forward to each and every call we have. I have recommended her to my two sisters (hope they read this!).


Cindy R

I've had the pleasure of working with Angie for the past few months. She helped me lose 30 pounds and has taught me how to eat healthy and be more active while balancing my life. I came to Angie for a diet, but I don't feel like dieting anymore. I know how to eat and enjoy food without giving it all the power. I enjoy her straight forward talk and warm contagious enthusiasm. I am really happy with my results!


Tina S

I recommend this Nutritionist.

I have had the pleasure of working with Angela over the past couple of months – what a find! I feel like a new woman. She really listened to me and helped me figure out what I have been trying to figure out with all my on and off again dieting over the past four decades. I started losing weight immediately and have lost weigh weekly ever since. I know that I can do this. I just needed someone to help me figure out the best way to approach this. I am very impressed with Angela and highly recommend her!



Go See Angela!

I’ve worked with a few nutritionists in the past and I can honestly say that this was one of the best experiences I have had. I truly appreciate how detailed Angela is and that she addressed my specific concerns and needs. Her program is definitely not a canned product. In one month she addressed three specific health conditions and was able to help me lose 12 pounds. My blood sugars came into check within a week and a half and I have more energy than I ever remember having in the past. I am taking a short break over the holidays and then will pick up my time with Angela again in January. Like her other reviews, I can’t stop talking about my experience!



I had a great experience

i moved here from Arizona and found myself up 15 pounds. i decided to take up tennis and wanted to compete. angela put together a program that had me leaner and stronger in no time. i can do this program on my own. that was really important to me. my results were pretty immediate. as far as i am concerned, she's a genius.


Stephen T.

Outstanding Experience

I was referred to Angela by my doc a few months back. I didn't want to go on medication, but I knew that I've had a tough time in the past sticking to a diet. I have been more than pleasantly surprised by how easy Angela has made this on me. I get to eat real food and have still kept a few of my vices - all while losing weight and seeing my numbers come back into line. I didn't know eating healthier could be this easy and this effective. I always tried to do things too fast - too drastically. I've told everyone about my experience with Angela. Like her other referrals, my only wish is that I found her sooner. She is on top of things, extremely responsive, really listened to me and created a plan that I can follow forever.



Angela Made a Huge Difference in My Life!

I attended a workshop over the weekend which included several opportunities to pair up with a partner you didn't know to talk about various subjects related to food. I talked to so many people who struggle with the 'eat when you're hungry' and 'eat what your body wants' concepts -- and I used to too – but not since my work with Angela Pifer.

Restriction and deprivation are no longer a way of life for me. I still work on these every day and don't expect perfection, but am aware of the behavior. What I realize more than anything is that the way I live/eat now is a gift, so thank you to Angela! Not just a gift of health, but a gift of feeling free and not feeling guilty. Now I'm working to incorporate more conscious eating principles into my life, as well as being more aware and tapping into the issues beyond the food. As we all know, there is no magic bullet and new habits and patterns take time, so I'm working each day on new things that help me reach my goals. I just want to tell everyone what working with Angela meant to me – she made a difference in my life and I appreciate it very much.



Angela Helped Me!

I am a 49 year old woman who was treated this past year for Celiac- Sprue Disease. When I was looking for a nutritionist in Bellevue, Angela was my first choice for many reasons. I knew that I would need a certain level of support to help me address my health concerns and to help me stick with a new plan. Angela paid great attention to details. As I got to know Angela, I began to realize the depth of her knowledge about nutrition, diet, exercise, and disease prevention to name a few, was superior. She has a strong desire to find different ways to help patients, especially women, be healthier and to solve difficult health problems. As a registered nurse for almost 30 years myself, I am impressed with her drive to find holistic, healthy ways to help our bodies heal and to prevent further problems. A great many women would be thankful in years to come for what she can contribute to health care.


P Ester

I am amazed at the service

I am amazed at the service I was provided during my time with Angela. I had been to a hospital dietician before and the experience wasn't a good one. I heard about Angela from a two different people and thought I better give her a try. I am glad I did. I have learned how to reverse diabetes through my diet and I have been able to drop three of my meds, the fourth one soon.


Robert L

Angela is a one of a kind nutritionist!

I have been working with Angela for over 10 weeks and I cannot tell you how her program has changed my life. Angela is very knowledgeable and she is able to bring an individualized, one-on-one, element to weight management that is missing from other programs. I lost weight on my own before working with her but I had reached an impassable plateau. Once I began following my personal eating and lifestyle plan, I started seeing results. Not only have I been able to loose additional weight but I have developed lifestyle changes which will benefit me for the rest of my life. It is amazing how alert and energized I feel since beginning the program. Thank you Angela! I look forward to seeing you soon.‎


C. Thompson

Great Nutritionist!

I highly recommend Angela. I have had on again, off again issues since I was a kid. She figured out my digestive issues and I have been symptom free for five months now! I am impressed with how much help I received. I called her on a Saturday to ask a question and she answered.


B. M.

I highly recommend Angela!

I had the pleasure of meeting Angela this winter when I contacted her for nutrition and weight loss counseling. Throughout my lifetime, I have tried many different ways to lose weight and have always failed. With Angela's program I learned how to understand the food I eat and how my body works with this food. Angela did not restrict my eating habits but showed me how to introduce healthier things into my life. Angela taught me which foods encourage a healthier lifestyle and healthier living. She also showed me how to increase my exercise so that my body would work more efficiently towards my goal. Through Angela's program I stopped thinking about weight loss and began thinking that I was learning to change my life.


S Peterson

Five Star Nutritionist

Angela has changed my life. I wish my doctor had recommended that I see a nutritionist, but then I don't know if he would have recommended that I see this specific nutritionist (I don't feel I would have experienced this level of results with anyone else). I needed accountability, a structure that was realistic and that I could do long term. I weigh less now than I did before I had my kids. I have kept the weight off for 8 months now (longer than ever before) and I know that this time my success will be long term. I am calmer, off many of my medications and I have learned to believe in myself - truly trust myself and my choices again. After 30 years of emotional eating, I didn't think that was possible. If you are ready - I HIGHLY recommend Angela.



Angela taught me how to eat and now I am teaching my family

Angela hasn't just shown me how to eat, she has taught me how to eat. I get it. I used to think it was willpower and now I realize that I was just going about eating and exercise all wrong (she would say 'some right and some that needs in improvement'). I felt like I was spining my wheels month after month. If only we were taught this at an early age. I've lost 17 pounds over the past two months. The best feeling is that my family is starting to eat healthier too. I had to visit my doctor to have my blood pressure and diabetes medications reduced. My long term goal is to come off of these completely...I am well on my way. Don't wait another second, call Angela!


Brenda E

Truly Amazing Experience

I have cancer and was losing too much weight. My ND referred me to a nutritionist. My clothes were literally hanging off of me and my energy was in the dumps. Through my (daily!) work with Angela, we had my weight stabilized within a week, she worked within my lifestyle and appetite level (which has been nill, do to my treatment) and offered me plenty of fast, convenient, tasty and healthy options. I am really blown away by the amount of time and energy she put in to help me. This has allowed me to stop worrying about my weight and get back to living and enjoying my little girl. I HIGHLY recommend Angela Pifer!


Sarah D

Figured out and impossible Situation

I sent Angela a personal note thanking her for the extra amount of patience she had with me, then thought it a good idea to let everyone know how truly amazing she is. It was wonderful to have her to go to with all my questions. Her help and advice was invaluable. I now know how to eat! She did a great job putting together menus - considering I am gluten intolerant and allergic to dairy, eggs and other specific foods….being hypoglycemic didn’t help either. I know from experience that it is next to impossible to figure out how to eat healthy and balanced in my situation. But, she did it! I can't say thank you enough!! I tried to figure this out on my own and just kept finding that my choices were becoming more and more restrictive. I wasn't making any progress. Angela changed my life. Thank YOU!



Grateful for new eating principles

After 40 years of emotional eating I am finally feeling like I am in control and not the food. I have lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off my waist and I'm not even hungry! I give full credit to you and your principles. Thank you to Angela for coming into my life!



Angela Pifer from Nutrition Northwest is great!

I have spent a considerable amount of time with Angela understanding her business and how she runs it. I am very impressed with her level of knowledge, her ability to explain what she does and how to identify those that could benefit from her services. Based on that information and the consistency of her professionalism and integrity, I have recommended Angela to friends and family members and will continue to do so. Angela works with people that have problems and helps them recognize the problems and either manage or solve the problem. I am proud to know her and recommend her to others.



Premier Nutritionist!

Working with Angie Pifer was so easy. She is totally committed to her clients and her program involves her expertise combined with her generous time and emotional support. I've never worked with a nutritionist who was so on top of her client support. Angie is an expert in her field - wait til you see the resource notebook she has for clients!! It cannot be beat. If you're looking for a nutritionist, give Angie a try - she is wonderful!


Margit Crane

Outstanding Client Support

Working with Angie Pifer was so easy. She is totally committed to her clients and her program involves her expertise combined with her generous time and emotional support. I've never worked with a nutritionist who was so on top of her client support. Angie is an expert in her field - wait til you see the resource notebook she has for clients!! It cannot be beat. If you're looking for a nutritionist, give Angie a try - she is wonderful!


T. Ernie

Great Nutritional Assistance from True Professional

Angela Pifer provides expert services and information while continually motivating her clients. She really listens and understands the concerns and issues presented by her clients and supports their goals with compassion. I highly recommend Angela without hesitation.



Best investment I could have made - my health

After diagnosed (with Type II diabetes) I felt helpless. I can?t believe that I was told I would be on medication for life and after working with you for two months, I was taken off my medication and my sugar levels are normal.



We are done dieting

Working with Angie has been life changing. Her program is what you do when you are done dieting.

It is a great feeling to not be so hung up on food. It is just absurd that the diet industry has brainwashed the public when the truth is so simple. I have to say though, I can't remember overall feeling this good. I am noticing so many changes. And, to be honest, we (my husband & I) are actually having fun with all of this. It is challenging, but I think we are doing it in such a way that sets us up for long-term success.



So smart and professional!

Angie is a dream to work with: organized, thoughtful, and a true networker. She has big plans for making a positive contribution in this world, and with her connections and follow-through, she is going to do huge things. I have seen first-hand her ability to impact a life both directly and through a series of other connections. Angie's generous spirit, high intelligence, and drive to make the world a better place make her someone definitely worth having on your team



Fabulous Nutritionist

Angela is detailed and thorough when it comes to evaluating her clients needs. Angela looks at the whole person and not just one area. I highly recommend Angela for her expertise and care. She's also just a great all-around person! One of the best!



Nutritionist with Results!

Angela is detailed and thorough when it comes to evaluating her clients needs. Angela looks at the whole person and not just one area. I highly recommend Angela for her expertise and care. She's also just a great all-around person! One of the best!



I can eat great food now even though I have allergies

It was wonderful to have Angela to go to with all my questions. Her help and advice was invaluable. I now know how to eat! She did a great job putting together menus - considering I am gluten intolerant and allergic to dairy, eggs and other specific foods….being hypoglycemic didn't help either. I know from experience that it is next to impossible to figure out how to eat healthy and balanced in my situation. But, she did it! Thank you!!



Life Changing Weight Loss

My experience with Angela has been life changing. I have lost 102 pounds and counting. I had given up thinking that I would ever lose this weight. It has taken work on my part, but now I know what to eat and I get to make the choice to be good to myself everyday. Angela gave me the support and the kind ear that made this happen. I give her all the credit and she gives me all the credit; we are quite a pair.



Holistic approach is easy to understand and practical to implement!

Angela Pifer is a gifted nutritionist. Not only does she have a very thorough knowledge of food, nutrition and dietary restrictions, she can translate this knowledge into practical applications that help people implement her advice. She has a vast storehouse of resources at her fingertips including specific products for restricted diets and where to buy them, recipes and referral partners. Her instruction makes complex ideas easy to understand and includes a holistic approach to leading a healthy lifestyle that goes beyond basic nutrition.



Angela's custom plans made our health goals so much easier

Angela's passion for her work and dedication to her clients is evident in all aspects of her business. Whether it is a small group setting or one on one, her ability to take the complex world of nutrition and human behavior and blend together a custom plan to help each of us achieve our personal health goals is a rare combination.


Debbie Whitlock

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