Angela Pifer

Need Help Navigating SIBO?

Angela works nationally and internationally via video consulations.

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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

I have had so many new patients call me after they have been struggling to pull the foods listed on a food sensitivity panel – trying to figure out what they can eat. They come into my office and show me their lab, which is covered in red lines showing reactions to just about everything…. Read More >

Should Probiotics be Part of SIBO Treatment? If you are looking at SIBO, like I am – that SIBO is a symptom of an extreme imbalance in the gut and not a primary condition, or infection, then probiotics must be part of your SIBO treatment therapy. Otherwise there is no way that you will be… Read More >

by Angela Pifer, Functional Medicine Nutritionist SIBOGuru.com Are you prone to sinus infections, get sick often, allergies… or a functional gut condition or disease? If so, knowing if you have low Secretory IgA, an antibody that plays a crucial role in your mucosal immunity, will help you target your treatment, and, if recovered, can improve… Read More >

SIBO can be extremely difficult to knock out. It takes patience and stamina, the right plan, the right treatment and retesting at specific time intervals. Though the work can be quit intensive, it is incredibly rewarding. I can’t tell you how much I LOVE my job. I hesitate to even call it a job sometimes… every week… Read More >

 When Your Stomach Growls, It Isn’t Telling You it is Hungry When you eat food, there are muscles along the digestive track that help to move food from your mouth, down your esophagus, through your digestive tract, and out the other side. These are rhythmic, peristaltic wave like patterns that help to move the food… Read More >

Last week I discussed the often overlooked condition of low stomach acids and its implication. Low stomach acid may be a symptom of a larger issue – this is where we really need to be a nutritional detective to try to put all the pieces together. The parietal cells in your stomach produce both gastric… Read More >

I see a lot of patients with digestive complaints; some with heart burn, others with bloating and indigestion and still others dealing with chronic constipation or loose stool. Insufficient stomach acid production is an often overlooked condition in many people complaining of digestive issues. Instead of finding the root cause, symptoms are addressed with band-aid… Read More >

SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, is a hot topic right now. It is thought that most suffering from IBS and possibly even fibromyalgia, actually have SIBO. The current treatment for SIBO is an antibiotic called Rifaximin. I have been to at least four conferences where this treatment has been presented and one thing that the… Read More >