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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

We all know that worry, nervousness, anxiety and chronic stress can take a toll on our gut. The strong connection between your gut and brain allow near instantaneous bi-directional communication. Stressors can cause disturbances in the brain that can affect and be felt by your gut. Leaky gut means that the cells are no longer… Read More >

Your intestinal barrier is one of your body’s most essential defense barriers. The contents of your GI tract are on the outside of your body. When they are brought across the lining of your GI tract into your cells and blood stream, they are now inside your body. This barrier protects you from the outside… Read More >

If you are struggling with GI symptoms, don’t ignore THE main driver for these symptoms, intestinal permeability. The intestinal barrier is one of the body’s most essential defense barriers. If this barrier breaks down there’s a risk of autoimmunity, loss of oral tolerance (food intolerance and food allergies), and a risk for skin conditions, like… Read More >

Leaky gut is a lead driver of gas and bloating, systemic inflammation, neural inflammation, joint pain and autoimmunity. What is leaky gut? Leaky gut means that the intestinal lining is damaged, inflamed and permeable (or leaky). Intestinal permeability (aka Leaky Gut) allows more debris, toxins and intact particles of food to move across the intestinal… Read More >

Normally, the cells lining your intestinal tract form a strong barrier with tight junctions between the cells. Leaky gut means that the cells are no longer maintaining a fortified barrier. The resulting intestinal permeability allows toxins, debris and undigested food particles to cross into the blood stream, triggering leaky gut symptoms, and intestinal and systemic… Read More >

Did you know that more than 50 million Americans suffer with seasonal allergies each year? This ranks allergies as number 6th among all chronic diseases. For this, over the counter oral and nasal spray anti-histamine is recommended. Unfortunately, histamine issues are not simply relegated to people dealing with seasonal allergies. People dealing with chronic GI… Read More >

In the past three months, I’ve on-boarded four patients who had been diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), and, they were told by their doctor to “not worry about it.” Well, let’s think about this…. an organ in your body has fat infiltration and we know that this will affect your liver’s ability to… Read More >

Sulfur Metabolism: Sulfur is an essential mineral, meaning, that the body can’t make this on its own; it needs to acquire this from the diet.  Sulfur, after calcium and phosphorus, is the most abundant mineral found in the body. Sulfur coveys a large range of health benefits in the body, including that it is used… Read More >

Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a lot more common than most people think. Studies have shown that this afflicts more than 50% of the population, and it drives chronic disease.   When leaky gut is present, the immune system ramps up its response at the mucosal level and this increases inflammation and… Read More >

How Stress Makes Your Digestive Symptoms Worse I want you to think on this: over a 24 week study on people with IBS, yoga alone was shown to be as effective at calming digestive symptoms and improving quality of life, as was a restrictive low FODMAP diet. The simple task of this mind body practice… Read More >