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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

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I was diagnosed with SIBO two years ago by A Gastroenterologist. However, I was offered minimal solutions other than learn to live with it. I found Angela’s website while doing research. I began working with her and have improved significantly. She is extremely knowledgeable and has me feeling better than I felt in years and on the road to recovery.

— Acuity Customer Review


Incredibly Detailed. A different class.

I’ve only been working with Angela for a few weeks, but have to say that she is nothing short of outstanding. Not only is she incredibly knowledgable, but she looks at every problem from every angle and applies a wonderful “rebalancing” approach to health. With my condition I don’t think I can be “cured”, but I think that I can be rebalanced so that my body becomes my own again, and Angela has done more in a few weeks to start those wheels in motion than numerous other “professionals” have.

— Acuity Customer Review


Incredibly helpful

I am so grateful to have been able to work with Angela, she has been insightful, kind, supportive and very helpful which has allowed me to understand how to take care my health, given my condition, in the best possible way. I felt at a loss before working with her, now I feel empowered.

— Acuity Customer Review

Acuity Scheduling