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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

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Thankful for Angela’s Expertise – Life Changing

Word’s cannot express my gratitude for Angela. Her knowledge is unbelievable and her services have been well worth the cost. Since my mid 20’s I have had a dx of IBS. I developed hypothyroidism, suffered w/ joint pain, heartburn, constipation, low vitamin D & B and depression. I was on numerous medications yet continued to feel worse. After being diagnosed with food allergies, fructose intolerance, and SIBO I found Angela through an on-line search and now an feeling best in I have felt in years.

— Acuity Customer Review


Incredibly Detailed. A different class.

I’ve only been working with Angela for a few weeks, but have to say that she is nothing short of outstanding. Not only is she incredibly knowledgable, but she looks at every problem from every angle and applies a wonderful “rebalancing” approach to health. With my condition I don’t think I can be “cured”, but I think that I can be rebalanced so that my body becomes my own again, and Angela has done more in a few weeks to start those wheels in motion than numerous other “professionals” have.

— Acuity Customer Review


Slowly clearing SIBO – Never give up!

I want to share about working with Angela Pifer for over 2 years now. Angela has been wonderful to work with. Not only is she a good listener; she asks very good questions and does not rest until she understands just where you are at in your symptoms & your labs. She really is a health detective! I highly recommend her. My SIBO story is that I am finally feeling better after 3 years of very bad health & I am thankful I found her. She pointed out to me info. on adhesions. That was the key!

— Acuity Customer Review

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