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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

SIBO Guru New Patient Forms



For your convenience, the intake paperwork is offered in fillable PDF. Though the forms are fillable online, you will not be submitting these directly to me through this site. Please fill in the paperwork, save it to your desktop (please make sure that the forms are saved WITH your data prior to closing the fillable PDF form) and then email or fax them to my office.



You will find four sets of forms linked below. Please send me these completed forms, along with a copy of any and all labs that you have access to and return these via fax: 425.274.1554, or email at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. I spend, on average, 1 hour reviewing all intake paperwork so I am prepped and ready for your intake session.

If you have a very long history, with a large packet of labs, please consider mailing your intake paperwork to me: Angela Pifer 9805 NE 116th St. Suite 7427, Kirkland, WA 98034

Our first intake appointment must be via video and not a simple phone call. After our initial intake video session, communication will continue via phone and email support.

New Patient Intake Form

Digestive Wellness Assessment

SIBO Questionnaire

Health History Timeline Please fill out this Word document or simply create an email and send back.

Please make sure that the forms are saved WITH your data prior to closing the fillable PDF form