Angela Pifer

Need Help Navigating SIBO?

Angela works nationally and internationally via video consulations.

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"Angela helped me heal..."

"...a year and four months since Angela got me to a negative breath test and I just retested and can confirm I am still negative. Yahoo!"

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The Five Must-Knows for Treating SIBO
that have helped every person I've worked with.

I help people just like you
get to the root of why they have SIBO...

Looking for Real Solutions to Help you Treat and Beat SIBO?
Learn More!

"For the past 20 years, I have been in practice as a licensed Functional Medicine Clinical Nutritionist working day in and day out, to help my patients overcome SIBO (parasites, Candida, dysbiosis, mold, autoimmune, motility issues, mold/ mycotoxin illness, viral load (EBV) and everything else that comes with it). Although I don’t look it, I’m 53 years old. I know how to heal the gut and keep the body healthy, energetic and glowing."

A Proven Approach to SIBO Treatment

If you are watching the summits and researching SIBO and you are more confused than ever, about what this all means to you, I can help you.

There is an overwhelming amount of misinformation circulating about SIBO treatment. For example, the low FODMAP diet does not starve out the gut organisms. If you are stuck on a low fodmap diet, I can help you expand your diet.

If the chatrooms leave you feeling desperate and concerned that you’ll have SIBO forever, I’ll get to the root of why you have SIBO. Let’s get you off this rollercoaster!

If your SIBO treatment has included round after round antibiotic or herbal antibiotics, and ‘it keeps coming back’ I can help you get to the root of why you have SIBO in the first place. Let’s target and address the root cause first!

Affectionately called "SIBO Guru" by my patients, because I do not offer canned approaches.

Tired of Researching?

Work with someone whose done the research for you, and knows how to apply it to you.

Schedule Your Introductory Consult Today

188+ Five Star Reviews!


Attentive and brilliant

I just started working with Angela, she is brilliant with attentive warmth. She is a researcher into your personal story, and a field guide with a very kind heart. I am convinced of this, that though I feel overwhelm…

— R.W.


A very caring person

Angela is kind and works hard to get to the root of your issues She had been very helpful to me and she is also very knowledgeable I still have some more healing and I’m confident that she will be there for me all the w…

— Patricia Southan


Everything is based on Science!

Angela takes in all the information, from every angle, and then helps to start to decipher the root cause. From that foundation she provides a supportive plan to tackle each area of complaint. I confidently k…

— Melissa O


Angela Diagnosed my Mold Toxicity after seeing 10 of LA’s Best Doctors

After 3 years of suffering, Angela was able to get to the root of my digestive and gut issues by inquiring into a past toxic mold exposure that I had in my home. After f…

— Heather Catania


Angela is One of a Kind!

After seeking help for SIBO from numerous MD’s over a several year period I found Angela. We’ve been working together for about 3 months now. She is incredibly attentive and a true professional. She takes her time a…

— Julie P


I am so grateful to have found Angela. I am a holistic health counselor, and have been using Spectra 303-T for thryoid balance. It works great with no side effects. But it is hard to find. Thank you Angela for carrying this very beneficial product!

— Lin Hourihan


Expert help!

Angela tuned me up 2 years ago and i have been doing great. Talked to her a few days ago after having a bug that affected my gut. She was thorough in her evaluation and came up with another game plan to get my gut back …

— Judy P.


Encouragement with Zest

I anticipated ‘meeting’ Angela with hopes for a communicative connection—-and I am not disappointed; in fact, I feel most appreciative. She listened well and heard my ‘story’ which is a complicated one of…

— Jeanne Macdonald


Angela is so knowledgeable and caring

Every time I have spoken to Angela she is engaged and caring. She really wants to get to the root cause of your health concerns. She is warm and really listens to you too. She has been wonderf…

— E.M.


I finally have hope

I could not find anyone who could give me any answers & was feeling hopeless about my situation after seeing multiple physician & having multiple tests. Since I have been working with Angela my symptoms have am…

— D.M.


Attentive and Knowledgeable

I have been working with Angela for the past few weeks and in that time she has proven to be extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and is working hard to help me address immediate issues. I have faith that …

— Casandra S


She’s the REAL DEAL

I can’t say enough about Angela, and just how amazing she is. Her scope of knowledge is far reaching – well beyond SIBO and nutrition. Her skills rival any Functional Medicine doctor I’ve ever seen. She also de…

— GenBook Review


Worth Every Penny

I’ve now been working with Angela for around 4 months, and her guidence has been nothing short of invalueable. My digestive issues have created some debilitating body-wide “auto-immune” conditions (e.g. chronic sof…

— Dan Faulkner


Best investment I’ve made!!!

Long story short, I have suffered with gut symptoms like constipation, chronic itching all over my body, severe bloating after everything I ate, and many food sensitivities for about 15 years. Angela g…

— GenBook Review


I have been going through hell the past 2 years seeing every gut doctor and given every diagnosis I knew wasn’t true. I finally gave in to an appointment with Angela expecting to be disappointed as I was with every other doctor, but she was the one w…

— Ada



I was diagnosed with SIBO two years ago by A Gastroenterologist. However, I was offered minimal solutions other than learn to live with it. I found Angela’s website while doing research. I began working with her and …

— Shawn P


Incredibly helpful

I am so grateful to have been able to work with Angela, she has been insightful, kind, supportive and very helpful which has allowed me to understand how to take care my health, given my condition, in the best p…

— Zena W


Incredibly Detailed. A different class.

I’ve only been working with Angela for a few weeks, but have to say that she is nothing short of outstanding. Not only is she incredibly knowledgable, but she looks at every problem from eve…

— Dan Faulker


Expert Nutritionist

Angela is an expert nutritionist, superb listener, professional and extremely detail oriented. She taught me the power of journaling to detect causes of inflammation in my diet and adjusted her recommendations …

— Mary S


Healing my gut

Prior to meeting with Angela I could not eat without always feeling uncomfortable. Bloating and diarrhea were unavoidable. I am very grateful to have been Introduced to Angela. Immediately after talking with Angela …

— Robert K


Slowly clearing SIBO – Never give up!

I want to share about working with Angela Pifer for over 2 years now. Angela has been wonderful to work with. Not only is she a good listener; she asks very good questions and does not rest un…

— Shelley Kemp


Great SIBO Expert

Angela is so knowledable and is on top of my specific needs. She is dependable, always follows through, reviews the plan, sends an email with updated plan, available, responds quickly to questions, She is a good …

— Judy P



While my journey isn’t over, Angela has provided me with MOUNDS of education on what’s going on in my body, identified key areas of dysfunction we have addressed, and provided me with significant relief and improvement fro…

— K.B.


I have been patiently waiting for some time to leave my praise for Angela and to offer hope to those looking to hear that it is possible to beat sibo for good. It has now been a year and four months since Angela got me to a negative breath test and I…

— Caroline


Angela helped me heal

Angela is so knowledgeable about the gut. She knew how to use my symptoms and responses to food as a guide and she taught me how to eat according to what my body needs and how to avoid what my body was reacti…

— S.M.


Grateful for Angela’s assistance with SIBO

I found Angela by listening to a gut health podcast. I can’t even remember who was interviewing her but I was struck by her “think outside the box” approach to things and her willingness …

— Shelley K



Angela is fantastic to work with is so unbelievably knowledgeable about the many illnesses that fall outside the box of conventional medicine. She truly cares about the well being of her patients and shared my passion of …

— Lauren S


An Experts Help

I have celiac disease and also SIBO. As a nurse, I have tried to manage and figure out some of my care. This really has been hit and miss and I came to the realization..GET SOME HELP FROM AN EXPERT. A Podcast on SI…

— Judy P


Angela is very knowledgeable and on point with her treatment plans. I started using her services because I wanted someone who is well versed in this field… she is definitely a great healthcare provider… Most importantly, she listens to you…

— D.P.


Couldn’t sing higher praises!

Angela is extremely patient, understanding, knowledgeable, and validating. I sought her out to treat SIBO that was only getting worse despite conventional treatment. We still have a ways to go, but af…

— K.B.


Very Sharp and Intelligent and Supporting Practitioner

I have been working with her for 3 months now for SIBO and she s really good and knows what she’s doing. I was impressed by her in depth approach and structured thinking. I am…

— R.H.


Hi Angela – I just wanted you to know how much your broth’s have meant to me. I bought 6 the first time after a long battle with cdiff, sibo and candida. I drank throughout the day. It was the first time in months that my stomach was quiet as I went…

— W.E.


Thankful for Angela’s Expertise – Life Changing

Word’s cannot express my gratitude for Angela. Her knowledge is unbelievable and her services have been well worth the cost. Since my mid 20’s I have had a dx of IBS. I developed hyp…

— Shawn P.


After many years of researching on my own, self-treating and working with other practioners, I can finally say that I feel better, thanks to Angela. Her deep knowledge and experience saved me untold confusion, frustration and damage from an incorrec…

— Chris M


I have SIBO, IBS-C and pelvic floor dysfunction and have been living in gastrointestinal hell for ten years. I’ve been to the Mayo Clinic and top NYC gastroenterologists to no avail. Angela is the only person who has made a substantial improvement to…

— Lauren S.


I suffered for three years before seeing Angela. I was referred to her by my doctor, who was really at his professional wits- end. I was a little apprehensive about the price, just being honest, but I was blown away by the assessment, plan and ongoi…

— Cynthia F


Can’t say enough about Angela Pifer, aka SIBO Guru. I can honestly say that she saved my life through her comprehensive approach to treating SIBO. Prior to seeing her I saw numerous top physicians in my area and their focus was to focus on the sympto…

— Dorothy Dalin


If you have SIBO you HAVE TO WORK WITH ANGELA. She looked at my case from a fresh angle, figuring out that I have mycotoxin issue that was getting in the way of my SIBO treatment. I near lost my job and relationship over this illness. I was stuck, a…

— Bree Ray


My deepest gratitude to Angela and the immense amount of time that she put in helping me figure this out!! I worked with Angela for most of 2015 to help with SIBO that had literally plagued me from week to week. When we met, my doctor had me taking R…

— Kim Landen


Can I just say, WOW? I live in a remote part of the U.S. and have tried to stretch the knowledge of every practitioner that I have seen here and it just came to a point where they didn’t know what else to do for me. I have an arsenal of supplements …

— Nora D


I became a client of Angela’s a couple years ago after my immune system attacked my gut and I couldn’t eat anything without being in pain. She helped me through the healing process by investigating my gut flora, restoring my B12/energy, and slowly in…

— Kendra


I was referred to Angela by my primary care physician after over a year of unexplained weight gain. No amount of dieting or exercise was helping and the doctor’s only response was that I was turning 40 and “that’s what happens.” I didn’t buy it.


— Katie M.


I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, Aplastic Anemia five years ago and given three to six months to live. I found that TCM would be helpful. However, after years of getting TCM herbs, and getting better, I still had stomach pain on a regular …

— Chris C


I have had an amazing experience with Angela and, more important, I am seeing improvement in my symptoms! Angela is extremely knowledgeable and she looks at each client as an individual. I didn’t feel like she was just applying another cookie-cutter …

— Ray B


In thanks for ALL YOU DO, Angela….at Halloween you will be getting a small parcel with a fresh organic hand picked tea from Sri Lanka from me, so please do not be weary of opening it.
Who am I? A devoted SIBO GURU GROUPY with my husband who found y…

— Audrey and Rudy


Angela has been a lifesaver for me. I have SIBO as-well-as other issues that required surgery. She is professional and very knowledgeable. She walked me through my surgery and has been here for me on the other side. She was in contact with my Drs. …

— Suzanne S.


I was referred to Angela by two different practitioners. After reading the reviews here I reached out to schedule an appointment. Three years ago my gut health took a turn for the worse. I was diagnosed with SIBO a year ago, but I know that this star…

— Jolene K.


When I was finally able to get in to see her, Angela was worth the wait. Angela is a GENIUS! I have seen multiple practitioners in the past and their advice always missed the mark. I wasn’t getting any better. They NEVER address diet, or they offered…

— Ilene


I was sick and TIRED of being sick and tired. I heard about Angela on the SIBO FB forum and followed her for a while. I had already spent so much money working with other practitioners that I was really wary of trying to work with someone else. What …

— Erin H.


I am beyond impressed with the level of support that Angela offers her patients AND how she explains every little detail so I grasped what was happening and how we were going to fix it together. She has helped me work through every symptom, concern, …

— Gretta C.


SIBO friends- Angela not only help drastically reduce the mass exodus of D I was experiencing for five years straight -through dietary changes she suspected I had SIBO and worked with me and my ND to get the proper testing, treatment and diet. She is…

— Kristy B


I felt like crap for the past three years. It was hard to believe that my health could take a turn like this. I have had really great health up to the point that I got SIBO. I came across Angela’s video on SIBO and probiotics and it really made sense…

— Kathyn B.


Angela is the best. She is patient and loving, kind when I struggled to make the needed changes. When I walked into her office I had felt defeated and depressed, I had been on so many diets, spent so much money on any product that could possibly hel…

— SMarx


I have been working with Angela for three months now. I found her on the web, watched her videos and felt motivated to call. After a SIBO diagnosis, my GI doc put me on a round of antibiotics and then called it good. I felt better for a few months an…

— Stephanie D


Angela is very knowledgeable, informative and quick to get back to you with your questions. She totally makes sense and tries to keep things simple, realistic yet with results.

— P. K.


Angela offers a great program that gets you great results. Of course, it was up to me to follow through with everything but she gave me all of the tools I needed to get (and keep!) the results I was looking for.

— K.M.


The most informative and useful nutrition and lifestyle information available. Angela provides practical information for busy people so that they can eat and move mindfully!! It changed my life!

— Greg G


After a SIBO diagnosis, multiple rounds of antibiotics and seeking out at least six different health care providers, Angela finally helped me make sense of my diagnosis. The information that Angela provides is simply phenomenal. After following her s…

— J.P.


I am happy to say that I have continued to lose weight, albeit at a much slower rate than when I was working with Angela– Current loss of 45 lbs. Whoohoo! Another exciting benefit from working with Angela is that I have been able to share her wisd…

— T.B.


I can’t say enough good things about Angela. A friend referred me. She actually referred me to her at least four different times, and I finally listened. I was definitely not disappointed.

I’ve been plagued with chronic digestive issues my whole …

— Katie C


Get The Five Must-Knows For Treating SIBO!